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Marek Kocum

pasek 5. kup, natal year: 2012


Year 2024

Ataxon Taekwon-Do Open 2024 / 9th Devil's cup ( INFO PACK ) (Prague, Czech Republic) - 7.12.2024

PointFight older youth male -55 kg
Pattern older youth male 6.-5. kup

Best of best, international taekwon-do competition (Říčany, Czech Republic) - 23.3.2024

Pattern older youth male 6.-5. kup
Sparring older youth male -150 cm

Year 2023

Czech national championship of Czech national union (Benátky nad Jizerou, Czech Republic) - 3.6.2023

Pattern youth male 7. kup

Sonkal Open 2023 ( info pack ) (Prague, Czech Republic) - 20.5.2023

Pattern older youth male 8.-7. kup

Best of best, international taekwon-do competition (Říčany, Czech Republic) - 1.4.2023

Pattern older youth male 8.-7. kup
Pattern junior male 10.-7. kup

Czech Open - Marek Lazor memorial (youth, juniors & adults) Info pack (Prague, Czech Republic) - 3.3.2023

Pattern older youth male 8.-7. kup

Year 2022

Ataxon Taekwon-Do Open 2022 / 7th Devil's cup ( info pack ) (Prague, Czech Republic) - 3.12.2022

Pattern younger youth male 8.-7. kup

Kontakt: Ondřej Vrábel, tel.: 777-011-692,
Adresa pro korespondenci: Sonkal z.s., Jiránkova 1137/1, 163 00 Praha 6,
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