Home / 2023 / Section: new information / Snow, rain, wind? Never mind, we're practicing!
20.2.2023 / Sonkal's taekwon-do camp

Snow, rain, wind? Never mind, we're practicing!

On Thursday, February 2, our caravan went to the first camp of the year and our destination was Zákupy where we have been going for many years. After a few health corrections, 50 participants attended the camp. The lower belts were attended by two coaches - Jiří Huml and Tereza Štekerová. The higher belts were led by the traditional trio of master Ondřej Vrábel, Martin Svitek and Vladimír Švanda.

Each technical level got a good portion of their exercises and those who were not enough, added an evening of free training according to their taste.

And why does the title talk about natural phenomena - snow, rain, wind? Because these took turns outside several times during the training camp and often in a matter of moments. But we didn't mind. The most persistent and hardy ones tried the local pond or what it was like to run around Zákupy in a layer of wet snow, which was frozen in places. For all of us, the most important thing was to get a good workout and once again push our knowledge and skills in Taekwon-Do ITF a little bit further!

Finally, I will mention one more amazing thing - the number of complete newcomers. There were a good bunch of them and although we could say that the lower bands were a collection of elves, they worked incredibly hard. And I have a feeling they only left the gym to eat and sleep :-D

In less than two months we will go to another training camp - this time we are heading to Borotín, which is not far from Tabor. Here we will be welcoming spring (hopefully) as the date is for the Easter holidays. Those who don't go will miss a lot! ;-)

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Kontakt: Ondřej Vrábel, tel.: 777-011-692, sonkal@taekwondo.cz
Adresa pro korespondenci: Sonkal z.s., Jiránkova 1137/1, 163 00 Praha 6,
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