31.12.2018 / 2nd meeting of CYT
First sparring competition experience of our "blue" junior female contestant
What was my first sparring experience like? As well as many of my friends I took part in traditional competition for youths in Nymburk. This time, though, it was quite different than usual for I underwent sparring contest for my first time. When practicing at training class it feels that you are prepared a bit. When I stepped in the ring the nervousness overwhelmed me and it was difficult to stay still. At the moment I was gestured to start all of my training experiences vanished. I was able only to focus on defending myself against my opponent´s attacks and simultaneously return some b
15.11.2018 / SLO Open 2018
Slovenian mission
On the 19th – 21st November part of out team went to Žatec, Slovenia to participate in A-Class competition Slovenia Open. We had covered multiple age categories. Ondřej Faltin was competing in youth male division and earned gold medal in patterns 2. – 1. kup. In sparring he proved very mature skills and ended with bronze medal. Jan Veškrna, our junior male competitor, was the most succesful member of our team, when he won gold medals in both patterns and sparring and was announced the overall champion (junior male). Jan Veškrna was disqualified for uncontrolled contact earlier this yea
9.10.2018 / Devil's cup
Devils are coming
Autumn already begun and end of 2018 is coming. And Devil´s cup is coming too. New change will be separating both juniors and kids to young and old (in patterns and sparring). We will compete in group system (so more duels even if you lose your first one) using electronic scoring system. Antidevil´s bracelets are ready and brand new medals and cups are planned. We are looking forward to meeting you on Saturday, December 8 at Petřiny Jih primary school. Information available here
20.8.2018 / 1st meeting of CYT
Talented youth meeting in Brno
During the first weekend in June we took part in Talented Youth Meeting in Brno organized by National Taekwondo ITF Association. This meeting is composed as a competition for talented young taekwondists. Firstly, the first competing day was dedicated for pupil males and also females. Thanks to small sports hall it was not able to compete on more than 3 rings in patterns and sparring and 1 ring was for special breaking techniques. What is more, the weather conditions were not well because of scorching weather. Luckily, having enough
19.8.2018 / Ljublana Open
Second time in Slovenia
Nine of brave Sonkal guys and one brave non-competing driver travelled to Ljubljana in Slovenia to compete at Ljubljana Open 2018. Firstly, our journey started at 9 am when two cars went to the capital of Slovenia. Jirka Novák, Kristýna Balcarová, Martin Schwáb, Edita Zelinková with Jirka Faltin as a driver were travelled by the first car. Moreover, the second car was occupied by Ondra Faltin, Honza Veškrna, Aneta Zelinková, Lenka Hrstková with Mrs. Petra Veškrnová as a driver as well. The journey was long and exhausting,
19.8.2018 / Sonkal Open
How sisters Žilinské viewed Sonkal Open
It was on Saturday 27th of May and the annual competition Sonkal Open took place in Petřiny in Prague. Our group gathered on Friday evening to make the hall ready in time. At 8 o´clock on Saturday morning there was the registration of all schools and weighing of sparring competitors. The competition system was one against each other. Today for the first time groups of juniors and pupils were divided to older and younger. This year we hosted not just competitors from Czech but also from Russia whom we invited as well as they invited our contestants to Russia last December. Competition bega
19.8.2018 / Czech national championships for color belts
Colour belts at National competition
On Saturday the 12th of May the sports hall of Nymburk held the Czech Championship of colour belts. This competition was quite different to me as well as to many competitors than usual. It was my first time that I held the post of a coach instead of a competitor. First novelty was contest of white belts and yellow stripes at Saju Jirugi and Saju Magki. Another one was that special techniques and power breaking were only under the rules of colour belts so contestants did not have to worry about spinning kicks. I do not remember more novelties but those two were the most interesting. Satur
1 coment
29.5.2018 / Sonkal Open
Sonkal Open 2018 - What was it about?
Innovating, stressful, hot, funny, numerous, inspiring and mostly bumper – that´s how we can characterize Sonkal Open taking place this year. Let´s start from the end: Bumper – we break records every year and this year was no exception. Last year 279 contestants were increased in 295. And it´s not just about numbers but also new teams – Nomo Lišov, Opava and from abroad TK Forma from Croatia and North-West, school of Moscow. Inspiring – definitely in performance of the youngest taekwondists who were so determined to win their pattern contests and greedy for first contest experi
23.5.2018 / Sonkal Open
Another year of Sonkal Open competition is coming really fast! After the deadline of registration the statistic tells us that the number of contestants is 270 from 23 schools of the Czech Republic, Croatia and Russia! Unlike previous years we are missing traditional attendants from Slovakia. This year the competitors, coaches and referees are facing some innovations. Contestants are divided into age subcategories in patterns and in sparring as well. There will be separate fights for younger and older pupils, younger and older juniors and for seniors. That applies to the gentle half of taekw
9.5.2018 / 20th Adult World Championship
Opening ceremony
Our video archive had stored footage of opening ceremony 20th World Adult Championship in Pyongyang. You can watch it from begining in front of Taekwon-do holy center, group walk to the taekwon-do palace and main programe of opening ceremony.
6.5.2018 / 24th Junior, 33rd Adult, 10th Veteran & 8th Youth European Championships
Under new tournaments rules
After a few years the European Championship returned to the Capital of Estonian, Talin. It was kind of strange for competition rules of Taekwon-Do ITF met some significant changes for this and following years. Unfortunately, not everything seems to go proper way but it takes time to find what the lacks are and what the right way is. Let´s see some photos that were made by members of our National team using our cameras during four competition days!
5.5.2018 / 23rd Junior, 32nd Adult, 9th Veteran & 7th Youth European Championships
Back to the past
Last year in the evening right after the finish of European Championship in Liverpool we set off for Downtown to get some special photos. Besides the Sonkal couple, consisted of Lenka Hrstková and Tereza Štekerová, Eliška Máchová joined our company. During taking snaps we had lots of fun especially in Mathew Street full of not just the legendary music of Beatles but even hundreds of singers and bands. Whole Street becomes one big concert and great party in the evening hours. You can meet people wandering among clubs, pubs and bars.
5.5.2018 / Czech Open (youth, juniors & adults)
Tournament in Nymburk in view of Herbert Kindl
During days from 14th to 16th of March 2018, as every year, Czech Open was taking place in sport centre of Nymburk. This year, for the first time ever, it was under the under the auspices of EITF. Many participants from whole Europe, for instance from Estonia, Latvia and also from Great Britain or Spain, came to take part in this more and more famous contest. Whole competition, which was attended by nearly 500 people, was divided into two days. On Saturday, which was the first day, the competition belonged to the seniors´ and pupils´ category. The juniors´ category competed on Sunday. Th
23.4.2018 / 24th Junior, 33rd Adult, 10th Veteran & 8th Youth European Championships
20.1.2018 / Devil's cup
Taekwon-do vs. Devils
On 2nd December of 2017, competition named The Devils Cup took place in Petřiny-Jih School as it has been for many years now. The cup was organised by Taekwon-do ITF Sonkal Praha. Our school was able to defend overall victory with 14 gold, 11 silver and 9 bronze medals. 227 competitors from 17 schools competed in patterns and sparring in youth, junior and senior age categories. Because main goal of this cometition is to gain a lot af experience, system everyone against everyone was used. Competition started right after the registratio
19.1.2018 / North-West Cup
Recognition, knowledges & friendship
During weekend 16. – 18. of December I had a chance to attend a competition in Moscow, Russia. I did not hesitate, it was a great opportunity to see Moscow. The flight took over two hours and Boris Vsekhsvyatsky awaited us at the airport. He took us to a hotel, where the weighting took place. I think all of us looked forward to it. After the weighting we went to the city. The first surprise was the subway. It is older than ours and the stations look like you were in a church. At first we went to a shopping centre for dinner. Even
29.12.2018 / Black belts examinations
Good job?
For this year's last black belt grading, Sonkal sent four adepts. The grading took place on Sunday, December 2. in Brno. And who attended for higher degree? Šárka Šestáková aspired for I. Dan, Tereza Žilinská for II. Dan and Pavel Zavadil with Jan Dvořáček for III. Dan. Among the biggest obstacles for the grading we can place very cold temperatures in Brno sports hall. It was necessary to stay permanently in motion to keep warm and prevent the risk of injury. All four Sonkal candidates did well in all parts of the exam due to their preparation which took several months and also du
29.12.2018 / National technical seminar with Grand Master Hwang Ho-yong (IX. dan) & other instructors
In Brno with Grandmaster; practicing and testing
On the first day of the last month of the year our group of Sonkal school went to Brno for national seminar that is every year led by Grandmaster Hwang Ho-Yong. December truly showed us that it overtook the power for during night the first snow came. So there was white everywhere when we arrived. Nonetheless the unexpected winter snow surprised all of the motorists who immediately adjusted their driving skills to actual climate conditions and drove pretty slow. That brought about that spent almost our entire time reserved for clothes changing once we would be right at the hall. We managed it b
29.12.2018 / Technical course with Master Jerzy Jedut (VIII. dan)
Antiaging master Jedut
Populistic title, I know, but…. I practiced under master Jedut for my second time. First time was in Znojmo twelve years ago. We went there to see Jaroslaw Suska. Most of Sonkals attending that time doesn´t practice anymore, just Vláďa and Ondra remained. We all knew Suska´s videos, we wanted to see that kicks, to train under him. His trainings were interesting, but in my eyes, his instructor Jerzy Jedut was level ahead of him. Level of enthusiasm, depth of knowledge and understanding of Taekwon-do, of flow of trainings. Master Jedut started to lead seminars near Prague few yea
24.12.2018 / Sonkal's taekwon-do camp
Taekwon-do camp in Zakupy (26 – 30.10. 2018)
Autumn holidays are the time of training and preparing for the competition at the traditional camp in Zakupy. This time we are in full training preparation for next Taekowon-do national championship in Brno. We started to train in the afternoon on Friday. At the beginning of the camp, we first tried to increase our condition. Our motto is: „Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today“. As we started, we confidently continued in our training. Feeling to be better was seen in every part of our gym. Sometimes it wasn´t easy and somebody reached their limits. We trust that these exe
17.12.2018 / Christmas Taekwon-Do demonstration
Video overview of year 2018
Watch our video overview of year 2018.
12.12.2018 / Christmas Taekwon-Do demonstration
5.12.2018 / Devil's cup
24.9.2018 / Seminar with GrandMaster Kim Bok Man
Uder the lead of Supreme Master
In days 14th to 16th of September there was a seminar taking part in Bad Leonfelden in Austrina under the lead of Suprme Master and co-founder of Taekwon-Do, Kim Bok Man. Seminar was held by Taekwon-Do school of Velešín in collaboration with Taekwon-Do Bad Leonfelden which is part of Taekwon-Do Velešín. Besides taekwondists of organizing schools there were lots of practitioners from whole republic. Everybody was curious about the seminar for it was about traditional and old style of Taekwon-Do from ages it was still in cradle. Even Supreme Master Kim himself told us it´s going to be tr
30.8.2018 / Summer traning camp
Photos from Malé Svatoňovice
On first day of year 2019 we completed photos taken during last summer camp in Malé Svatoňovice. This year summer camp slowly getting closer and we are looking forward to get back to Malé Švatoňovice in July.
21.8.2018 / Summer traning camp
15.8.2018 / Test for color belts
Color belt grading
Color belt grading in January belonged to the biggest in Sonkal history so we expected less attendants in May. But the opposite was true, 48 taekwondists were allowed to attend the grading. Most of them were beginners as usual. Highest belt on this grading was red, which was achieved by successful competitor Ondřej Faltin. All attendants were successful at the grading and we congratulate them. Next grading will take place at the end of our summer camp. Green and blue belts should generally aim to improve stances, dynamics of techniqu
12.8.2018 / Black belts examinations
Black belt grading in May
After the end of international seminar in Prague this year's second black belt grading took place at sports hall of TJ Chodov. Based on internal club pre-exam, three candidates were nominated and went before the grading commitee od Czech Taekwondo Federation. Nomber of attendants was lower then in previous years. Egor Popov was amongst the applicants for I. Dan and he showed above-average performance. Just a pitty of his vacillation when breaking boards with yop chagi. Next applicant from Sonkal was Jiří Huml who was the only applicant for III. Dan. He showed he is well prepared for al
12.8.2018 / International technical seminar with Grand Master Hwang Ho-yong (IX. dan)
Prague, taekwon-do, internationally
From Friday 18th to Sunday 20th of May sports hall TJ Chodov in Prague hosted Technical and instructors seminar under the lead of Grandmaster Hwang Ho-Yong (9th Dan). Instructors seminar is based on theoretic presentations and the technical seminar is about practical exercise of our martial art composition. At the hall arrived not only great amount of Czech taekwondists but also several from abroad – England, Slovakia, Polish or Switzerland. For three days we went through each part of Taekwon-Do from the basic techniques, over all of patterns to thorough practised fight system. Saturday a
11.8.2018 / Black belts examinations
Another black belt in Sonkal
On tropical Saturday, July 28th, I was accompanying Jan Veškrna on his journey to the black belt. Our destination was room at the local municipality in Ostrovec u Varvažova. Although it was not far away the traffic was terrible and we were slowly moving forward. Luckily we made it on time for registration. The number of examined candidates should have been much higher in the cathegory of first to fifth dan. There should have been above 40 registered however physically there were about 25 hoping people. Not only tropical weather but
4.5.2018 / Easter's Sonkal Taekwon-do Camp
Great Easter holidays
Easter holidays had become a traditional time for spring camp in Zákupy for Sonkal members. This year's Easter holidays were at the end of March and beginning of April and although the weather was not very nice, almost sixty participants were in a good mood. Because of so many participants and also big differencies in both grades and age, we chose to divide them into two separate groups. Low belts had trainings led by Tomáš Vodička and Jan Dvořáček. Higher belt were trained by our international instructors - Ondřej Vrável, Vladimír Švanda and Martin Svitek. Spring camp is not
4.5.2018 / Test for color belts
New belts from January colour belt grading
At the end of January our gym at school Vybíralova hosted colour belt grading. After one year, we were able to pick a date in GM Hwang Ho-yong's plan. Over 50 students were successfully promoted. Highlight of this grading was performance of Kateřina Vítečková, who earned 70 points and jumped from blue belt straight to red belt. Next grading will take place in May and other at the summer camp in August. Work hard to earn new belt too.
10.4.2018 / Instructors´ and assistants´ weekend at Lipno
Instructors´ and assistants´ camp at Lipno
On March 23th, Tereza Žilinská, Šarka Šestáková and I went to training camp by Velešín, which was led by our sonkal ace Martin Svitek. After 3-hour journey our group finally arrived to Přední Výtoň, where the camp took place. After arrival we realized, that whole assembly would be in style of seminar rather than a training camp. I was pleasantly surprised how many people from different sections across the country managed to meet here in Lipno at Hotel Aktiv. Friday's training started at 5:30PM with basic movements / techniques + hosinsool (self defence) in groups. After the trainin
26.3.2018 / Easter's Sonkal Taekwon-do Camp
27.2.2018 / Taekkyon and Hopae sool seminar
Bits of Taekwon-do roots
I had a chance to take part in very interesting seminar and as I enjoyed it a lot, I would like to share few thoughts with you. Master Martin Zámečník (VII. Dan) invited grandmaster Do Ki Hyun and his student master Hwang In Mu from Republic of Korea to our country. I had time to participate in first half of the seminar so I spent 2 and half hour practicing basics of Yetbeop taekkyon and same amount of time for Hopae sool. Yet beop taekkyon are traditional taekkyon techniques developed for practical self-defence without sport application. We all know that founder of Taekwon-do Ge
14.2.2018 / Etiquette in Paul Knighton´s point of view
Taekwon-Do Etiquette by eyes of master Knighton 20 years ago
TaeKwon-Do Etiquette for Instructors – Inside & Outside the Dojang It has been few years now when I had the honour to teach with master Paul Knigton on summer camp in Switzerland. We got to speak about Taekwon-Do etiquette during friendly conversation and I have found out that Paul wrote essay about this topic for his IV. Dan. We agreed that I will translate it for czech taekwondoists, but as life goes it took few years to manage to do it. Essay is bit improved by master Knighton, but I still enjoy the fact that it was written in 1998 – in year I started to practice. I don´t want to b
25.1.2018 / Black belts examinations
New black belt in Sonkal family
On Sunday 10th of December the gym of Taekwon-Do team Brno holds the last black belt testing of this year. Representatives of our school are Jiří Faltin (testing for 1st degree) and Martin Svitek (testing for 5th degree). Both of them show great performances and I can proudly say that Jiří is the best one among other 1st degrees, even though he is the oldest one. I believe that others will follow his example for their next testing and they will work more on their techniques not to be humbled by a veteran… Congratulations to Jiří and Martin for their new degrees! Statistics of our bl
24.1.2018 / 8th Christmas camp for red & black belts
After Christmas relax & practice
It has been eighth time that highest belts visited mini course after Christmas. This time it was for black belts only. From 27th to 29th of December we spent great time together in Malé Svatoňovice and vicinity. On the first day we made a trip to Janské Lázně where we walked a pathway among treetops. This construction is really imposing and the only bad thing was the fog which was pretty dense. There is perfectly made underground part of observation tower where the visitors can learn a lot of interesting information about soil and the life in it. Even the smallest visitors would appreciat
22.1.2018 / National technical seminar with Grand Master Hwang Ho-yong (IX. dan) & other instructors
All Czechs together in Brno
Translation in progress, check photos.
23.9.2018 / Festival Stop zevling
Loitering with Taekwon-Do
It was Saturday September 8th 2018 and traditional event called Stop Zevling took place in Černý Most in Prague. Under the terms of this cultural-sport event is so-called Town of free-time activities with the possibility to present plenty of different kinds of activities. It was second time that our school took part in this occasion and we were allowed to present Taekwon-Do ITF. Shortly after lunch we gathered in gym and piled up pieces of tatami, targets, big targets, banners, foam sticks, boards and other stuff in a car which drove them near “Plechárna”. Our four-member expedition
22.8.2018 / Promotional photo shoot
I know what you did last summer II
Second part of photos from last year August. Leading actors were Pavel Zavadil, Jiří Novák & Jana Kovářová.
22.8.2018 / Promotional photo shoot
I know what you did last summer
Last August there were two photo shooting for our Sonkal members. Now you have the chance to see the first part of pictures with Tereza Štekerová, Vendula Benediktová and Lenka Hrstková. Before our summer camp we will offer you pictures with Pavel Zavadil, Jirka Novák and Jana Kovářová.
21.8.2018 / Film patterns
Summer goals achieving
I had planned some interesting goals before the beginning of the summer and I am deeply convinced it will be profitable for every taekwondist. The first one is to replace all pictures in our broad technique database (the self-study web area). The second goal is to make new education videos of all patterns from Sazu Jirugi up to Choi-Yong. At the beginning of the July we started with the second goal and despite of the weather conditions we made all videos and we took some photos in addition. In few days we will add more backstage pictu
21.8.2018 / Taekwon-Do demonstration at Primary school square of Jiří z Lobkovic
Garden festival
The end of the school year was coming and pupil in last grade were saying good bye to their younger school mates. Preparing for the biggest change in their lives, they were about to study at high schools. The Garden Festival is now the traditional way how to celebrate the end of the school year for the Elementary school at the George Lobkovic Square in Prague. The great atmosphere of festival is full of shows how to spend a spare time, music, dancing, singing, sports activities and refreshment as well. The best pupil of the school
10.6.2018 / Kašpárkohraní - Sonkal on kids´ day
Kašpárkohraní - Sonkal on kids´ day in Hvězda
The 10th year of Kašpárkohraní on Obora Hvězda was dated on 3rd June. Sonkal volunteers helped with organization. After my personal experience I can say that word volunteer could be replaced with word brave or suicide if you’re violinist or just someone who likes his hands. Photos available here, more will be added in future https://www.zonerama.com/tyto/Album/4374447?secret=xUjGKxnhxj3KtfvUX353g4B15 This event gets traditional every year in June. On music scene people could seen Tomáš Klus or Slza group, Anna Polívková
8.5.2018 / Taekwon-Do demonstration at Carnival
8.5.2018 / Demonstration in primary school Hloubětínská
Triple Taekwondo demonstration
The morning after our return from Easter Taekwondo camp we did Taekwondo again - a demonstration for students of Hloubětínská school. In the school next door, in BPA, we train since last September on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So we took this opportunity tu attract more people joining our classes. Because the gym is too small for all people in the school, we did three demonstrations with slight changes in the programme. First two demonstrations were for 1. to 5. grades and the second for the rest. We did many demonstrations on schools in the past, but this one was best regarding the audienc
29.3.2018 / Taekwon-Do demonstration on primary school carnival
Fancy dress party in Vybíralova Primary school
On Friday 2nd of March, a carnival of pupils of Vybíralova Primary school in Černý Most was taking place. The entertaining programme was full of various exhibitions of different sport activities. Our martial art was among them. There our youngest members, who visit just this school, showed their performance. The captain and captain(ness) were Ondra Faltin and Edita Zelinková who also demonstrated their skills. The exhibition was succeeded and was awarded by great ovation of all present pupils.
4.3.2018 / Christmas Taekwon-Do demonstration
How it happened during Christmas demonstration?
At this time we bring you photos with bigger delay than usually but you can remind what happend and what was performed during Christmas demonstration in gym Primary school Vybiralova on Cerny Most. Watch video footage of whole demonstration :)
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Kontakt: Ondřej Vrábel, tel.: 777-011-692, sonkal@taekwondo.cz
Adresa pro korespondenci: Sonkal z.s., Jiránkova 1137/1, 163 00 Praha 6,
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