23.12.2015 /
TKD day on Sport 5 channel
On Christmas Eve, on 24th of December at 3 p.m. there is TV premiere of show about TKD day in Brno. You will see matches of Jana Kovářová, Tomáš Vodička and Jiří Novák. All those will also perform at exhibition of Czech National Team, where also Tereza Štekerová appeared. Next show times: - 24.12. at 22:00 - 25.12. at 9:05 - 26.12. at 16:00 - 27.12. at 21:55 - 28.12. at 8:50 Later you can see the show at Sport 5 website in archive.
22.12.2015 /
Last traning in Petřiny and visions for 2016?
Last this year´s training in our Petřiny dojang was dedicated to preparation for grading for coulour belts and advanced alternative kicking for black belt (what I though is brilliant original idea till I got to know national seminar was partly dedicated to the same thing – it is hard to admit that you are not the only one to have brilliant ideas :o) ) . Then we went for pizza and drink what meant that also not so regularly training students came and also socially highly skilled students from dojang in Černý most took part. Some wanted to leave early because of work, fortunately old
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18.12.2015 / Black belts examinations
New black belt in Sonkal
I discovered TKD by accident. My mother's friend had said that they were starting practising TKD, so I also tried it. I liked it because it was something different. I enjoyed learning something new all the time. I have been doing TKD for seven years and that prevailed - I have a lot to learn and that is the greatest thing about TKD for me. When I had white belt and I saw first exhibition, I admired what black belts did there. Back then it didn't come to my mind, that one day I will also be able to do it. When I reached blue belt, I w
16.12.2015 / National technical seminar with Grand Master Hwang Ho-yong (IX. dan) & other instructors
National seminar
Year 2015 is coming to an end and we are in the rush pre-Christmas time when everyone is trying to finish things they didn't do during whole year, when everyone is buying Christmas presents, baking Christmas biscuits, tidying their homes. In this time, Taekwondists from Czech Republic have their traditional meeting - national seminar, which was held in Brno for third time in a row. In the past, one sports hall was enough for the seminar, in last two years we needed two halls and this time we used three. If this trend will continue, in 5 years we will need all halls available in Brno :-D The
8.11.2015 / Technical course with Master Jerzy Jedut (VIII. dan)
Hunting new experience
Ten years have passed since our first seminar with Jerzy Jedut. In 2005 the seminar took place in Znojmo and it was a valuable experience from which we have drawn inspiration for our trainings till today. In last year we accepted an invitation from our colleagues from Czech national union for one day seminar in Stránčice and again, it was very inspirative. This summer we received information, that similar seminar will take place in autumn. When the date was known, I was sure that I can't miss this opportunity. Master Jedut was full of energy and wanted to teach the participants as much as
2.11.2015 / Sonkal's taekwon-do camp
We are concentrating!
Autumn holidays and Zákupy have equalled to a training camp for years and this year wasn’t an exception. More than 40 members of Sonkal attended to our last training camp of this year. In addition it was the main preparation for the Czech national championship for majority of them. Finally we added also some photos of our street or rather road&wood view.
25.10.2015 / Self-defence seminar with Jan Novák (14-16:30)
Self-defence seminar with Jan Novák and regular seminars on practical Taekwon-do
Self-defence seminar with Honza Novák took place last Saturday in our dojang at Černý Most. Honza has the most common name in czech nation, but it is the only thing that is ordinary on him. He is one of the first people to practice Wing chun in Czech republic and spent part of his life protecting property and people - so practical fighting and preventing it was his living. First seminar in May was more of introduction as we had to find out what we need and what Honza knows. Second one this October was dedicated to close distance and training of developing skills of feeling opponent and avo
18.7.2015 / Summer camp
Shared summer camp
Every day we would like to share with you photos from Summer camp in Male Svatonovice. Summer is turned on and our taekwondo is growing. We try put new photos every day. So come back every night ;)
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15.7.2015 / Motivation in Taekwon-do
Motivation in Taekwon-do
Time has changed: nowadays regularity of training of common Taekwon-do student is different than years before. What was normal when I started Taekwon-do17 years ago is now considered kind of extremism. But I am not writing this to criticize present, I believe it is wise to accept it. It had been year and half from when I´ ve sent questionaire to all czech Taekwon-do schools in Czech republic for students practicing more than 10 years. Point was to discover how much you have to train to still improve. There is Pareto´s law in economy (to be sincere I understand economy as much as to building
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7.7.2015 / Seminar with Grand Master Choi Jung-hwa (IX. dan)
Wine, pickles and Taekwon-do
All three things in title belong for many years to royal city of Znojmo, even if Taekwon-do for approximately 20 years. After two years we went to Znojmo again and just as last time, goal of our visit was seminar with son of Taekwon-do founder, GM Choi Jung Hwa. This time went only three members of Sonkal. Local vineyards like sun, so the organizers prepared it for whole Sunday. Even though we were hidden in the shade of sports hall, the heat penetrated our doboks since first minutes. The seminar began with silent memory to general Choi Hong Hi. Although general passed away 13 years ago, hi
17.6.2015 / Summer camp
Grading? Trainings? Friends? Of course! Summer camp...
School will be soon over and two months of dawdling and relaxing await. But it would be no proper summer holiday without TKD summer camp in Malé Svatoňovice. As in last year, we prepared 9 days full of TKD. If you look at the last year´s pictures, you will notice that many participants have different colour of belts. To say the same next year, it is necessary to practise regularly and the summer camp prings a great opportunity to get better. We aim to improve at fundament
14.5.2015 / International technical course with GrandMaster Hwang Ho-yong (IX. dan)
Nice practice sessions
Translation in progress. Enjoy with pictures.
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19.4.2015 / Test for black belts
One more grading
Two gradings in one week, that\'s a lot. But at Saturday, it was not about colour belts, but the black ones. Sonkal members chosen for grading were Tereza Štekerová for I. dan, Tomáš Vodička and Jana Kovářová for III. dan. All of them lined up in front of Czech TKD Federation committee led by GM Hwang Ho-yong. All three did a great job and they were rewarded with nice points and also practical gift - TKD tie. Now they just have to wait for official certificate from ITF and then strips on belts can be painted. We sincerely congratulate to Tereza, Jana and Tomáš!
18.4.2015 / Test for color belts
Grading done!
On 16th of April, GM Hwang Ho-yong visited our gym at Vybíralova elementary school and he led first grading of this year. 23 members of Sonkal lined up in front of him. Most of them were beginners from both our gyms at Černý Most and Petřiny. Together with our members, also 7 people from club Silla led by Radka Heydušková showed GM their skills. The spectrum of Silla members was interesting - from little Petra Heydušková, whose parents crossed fingers for her, to 57-year-old adept for 3rd kup who with his enthusiasm showed that Taekwondo is truly for everyone.
7.4.2015 / Spring Sonkal Taekwon-do Camp
Easter eggs in taekwondo
Complete photo set from our Easter\'s sport camp.
20.2.2015 / Regional course for red & black belts
Second Prague seminar
This demanding Taekwon-do weekend ended up with second Prague seminar with GM Hwang Ho-yong. Two hours of practising fundamental techniques graded into hosin-sool and some special techniques. GM explained importance of theory of power in fundamental techniques and also using opponents energy in self defence. Seminar was very interesting, also because of many IV. Dans and higher. Place for III. Dans were as far as in the third row.
6.1.2015 / Stretching manuals
Advanced stretching notes
Dear Sonkalweb readers, I´ve wrote this text two years ago for participants of tkd trainers seminar I led here in Czech republic. Motivated by Swiss taekwondists I translated and also upgraded it this year. I believe this should be basic text for everyone suffering "I am too old for this" in young age, have strange pain after training or have students with such a complaints. It is not point of this text to show plenty of exercises, but to explain principles we often forget about in Taekwondo (and also other martial arts at least as I am aware) and that are not covered in Ecyklopaedia of
2.1.2015 / 5th Christmas camp for red & black belts
Snow, frost, candies, taekwondo
The fifth Christmas camp of black and red belts This year it was our fifth trip to Malé Svatoňovice. This camp is only for people with red or blak belts. The camp contains interest technical trainings, trips, lectures on taekwondo and another fight topics, Chrismas cookies, fun games, movies, etc. The camp was held from 27.12. to 29.12 and we went there in three different groups. The first group from Prague district \"Černý Most\" consisted of Tereza Žilinská, Lenka Hrstková, Vendy Benediktová, Jirka Huml and the driver Ondra Vrábel. In the second group of \"Petřinští\" were
1.1.2015 / Black belts examinations
Six & two
500 photos online, commentary later.
23.12.2015 / Christmas Taekwon-Do demonstration
It is done. Successfuly!
Article will be later, check videos presented at the end of demonstration. Video footage is available, tonight will be also Youtube version in better quality.
16.12.2015 / Taekwon-Do Galanight
15.12.2015 / Christmas Taekwon-Do demonstration
27.11.2015 / Jana Kovářová - video profile
18.11.2015 / Jiří Novák - video profile
To prison with him! Or with them?
Our third story is filmed in a never finished prison in surroundings of Říčany, where Jirka came to train. Unfortunately after his training he met a group of villains. They wanted to show him to whom belongs this place. Look at video of Jirka Novák to find out how it ended…
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10.11.2015 / Tereza Štekerová - video profile
Second riddle
Today, we have another riddle - how will Tereza Štekerová end up at the riverbank of Labe in Nymburk? Will Taekwon-do training turn into survival fight? You will see soon! Here's the video:
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9.11.2015 / Tereza Žilinská - video profile
We are beginning!
What are we beginning with? With video profiles of our representation team members. I will entice you with a riddle - a modified classical tale. Once upon a time, there lived one Riding Hood. But she was no ordinary red Riding Hood, she was masked. On one Sunday afternoon she was wondering through the forest with her basket, while she met a wolf. Two wolves to be precise! Actually they were not wolves, but two bad guys! And how the tale with masked Riding Hood ends? You will have to wait for the video, which you will see very soon!
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30.10.2015 / Promo videos preparation
New club promotional videos
Today is the day and we present Sonkal's new promo videos. We bring also some photos from backstage of shooting. It will be pleasure to read your opinions about our several days long work. In following two weeks will be also published video profiles of current Sonkals members of Czech Taekwon-Do national team - Jana Kovářová, Jiří Novák, Tereza Žilinská and Tereza Štekerová. Tomáš Vodička was missing this shooting because illness. It will be done next spring.
26.10.2015 / Promo videos preparation
2 days to day D
On Friday night we will present our two new promo videos. Now you can check short sneak peek: Sneak peek from video number two: Extended sneak peek from video number one:
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25.10.2015 / Taekwon-Do demonstration at Bikeclinic Cup awarding
Shopping carts switched to full power
We already did a few exhibitions near shopping centres, but inside it was our premiere. We were asked by organizers of Bikeclinic Cup, who organise series of bike races for kids, to perform an exhibition during Bikeclinic Cup award ceremony. We gladly accepted this offer and went to Letňany to show something of our martial art. Because the cup was for smaller kids, we also picked small taekwondists for our exhibition followed by five experienced black and red belts. The exhibition contained all it should and it was itneresting to observe amazed looks of shoppers riding on escalator few met
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16.10.2015 / Taekwon-Do demonstration
Back to school
On Tuesday morning 6th October was realized two exhibitions of Taekwon-do ITF in big gym of elementary school FZŠ Chodovická under the leadership of Tomáš Vodička. Furthermore Sonkal represented Jana Kovářová, Píďa (Jan Zavadil), David Pařízek, Terka Žilinská, Verča Žilinská, Verča Holečková, Lenka Hrstková and Jirka Huml. First, at 9 am taekwondo performance started for pupils of 1st to 3rd class. After that at 9:20 am we demonstrated our taekwon-do skills for pupils of 4th and 5th grades. We started both exhibitions running in front of the children and waved them. Th
29.9.2015 / Taekwon-Do demonstration
Already scond time at Norbertov
It was already second year consecutively that we managed to make a recruiting exhibition at Primary school Norbertov in Prague. It began on Tuesday 29th of September at 9 o´clock a.m. We already met at 8 o´clock a.m. to be there in time for preparing our program, because as well as last year we made the program right on the spot. Some of us arrived with a little delay because of the morning traffic jams, which are normal in Prague at that time. But at last we gather in sufficient time to have a lot of time for warming up and for planning the program. Contrary to last year, today we per
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11.9.2015 / Rail project
Almost every boy dreamed or still dreams about trains. This train madness (in the good sense)also caught me last year. Now it is just a sample of future things. Even though taking photos was only experimental in 3 places, the result is pretty good. Definitely it keeps me some ideas what to do next year with more people. I’d like to thank Tereza Žilinská who participated last summer on photographing. She spent with me a tropical afternoon standing, running about and posing on rails. Let the photos be her reward!
9.9.2015 / Prague's summer
How to slap cobblestones
We celebrated the end of the school year by a trip to small streets around Staroměstské náměstí, Karlův most and Kampa as well. The June weather was very pleasant to us so we could make many interesting photos and also interesting stories. For example the outlined photo at the title of the article. My prosaic key words are – falls, cobblestones, it´s working and gypsum. Jirka Niovák and Pavel Šnábl, within the photographing, tried to some self-defence and as a part of their performance was the Pavel´s fall onto the cobblestones, or rather his slapping the cobblestones. Pavel wa
8.9.2015 / Waiting for Autumn
Something from archive
Last year I had idea about shooting in Prague's natural park Hvězda. But unfortunatelly weather with deep fog was against my plan. Secondary plan was realized a few weeks later in Prague's Old town with Sonkal's Girls. Now, after 11 months, you can see pictures.
7.9.2015 / Sonkal's WaterGate
Summer, sunshihe, hot, water...
I\'ve had this photo idea already in previous year when I rode a bike around that place. But last year\'s weather was not good for it because of low temperatures. I remembered during the first day of this year\'s camp and I had to find some volunteers. That didn\'t take much work, because we filled 3 cars to the last place and after arrival I put on slippers and for one and half hour waded through Úpa river. In time perspective, we made it perfectly. Not only we made it on time for afternoon training, we also jumped into the cars during incoming storm. But the rain didn\'t bothered us, bec
2.3.2015 / Taekwon-Do demonstration at 8th masquarade
Domestic presentation
Before the beginning of spring holidays, a masquerade takes place at Vybíralova elementary school where all kids can bluster as they wish. Several exhibitions of sport clubs and workshops from the school are always added to the programme. After several years, we were asked again to show what we teach at the trainings. For ten-minutes-long exhibition, we have chosen several past and current students, so mostly yellow and green belts had several friends in the audience. All parts of the exhibition were rewarded with great applause and I hope that some kids will visit trainings of our martial a
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13.2.2015 / Taekwon-do demonstration at Aerobic Cup
Exhibiton on Aerobic Cup
At the end of January, we were asked by aerobic club "Sportýna" to show a short exhibition of Taekwon-do at their competition - Aerobic Cup. We did exhibition for them several times in the past so we gladly accepted again. The performers for this time were mostly blue belts supported by two black belts, Pavel Šnábl and Jiří Huml. Ten-minute-long exhibition offered a quick overview of what Taekwon-do is and was accepted by competitors and viewers with proper applause.
7.12.2015 / Devil's cup
20.11.2015 / Czech national championship
18.11.2015 / Czech national championship
Beautiful drudgery - Czech national championship 2015
Final of 2015 sport season took place in Nymburk during second November weekend. Event that we prepared for whole autumn training camp and from where everyone wanted to bring at least one medal. As I´ve said on Friday´s brainstorming (braincleaning?) it is one of our top events we prepare for, not the most imporatant one (as sport is only part of our effort), but it can show us many things. Show not only our physical form and skills, but also how we can fight stress, fear of unknown (unknown opponent, skills, audience...). And last, but not least how we work and cooperate together as a
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12.11.2015 / Czech national championship
13.10.2015 / 2nd meeting of CYT
Youth talents in Brno
For last few years, beginning of October has been traditional time for youth talents competition. This year's second round was organised by Czech TKD Federation in Brno. Sonkal members departured with rest of youth talents centre Praha 2 on Saturday morning. Despite the reconstruction of main highway D1, the bus arrived in front of Masaryk University sports hall shortly after noon. At first, youth consumed their lunch at nearby restaurant Campea to move to registration and weighting right after. Main program for Saturday was lecture about history of TKD led by president of our federation, M
25.8.2015 / 19th Adult World Championship
How is it going in Bulgaria
Check pictures from our stay in Bulgaria for World Championship. Published photos from day of championship one, two & three. Yestarday\\\'s evening finals matches in anthic amfitheater also included. Today we took some nice photos with Tomas Vodicka a Jana Kovarova, don\\\'t miss them tonight ;)
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22.8.2015 / 19th Adult World Championship
Holidays end in Plovdiv
Almost all summer holidays, Czech Representation Team had been training in Brandýs nad Labem for event No. 1 - 19th ITF Taekwon-do World Championship. Because Bulgaria\\\'s capital hosted four European and World Championships in last 10 years, organizers decided to choose historical city Plovdiv for this year. From Thursday 27th of August, cross fingers for Tomáš and Jana, who have been nominated in these disciplines: - Jana Kovářová - senior female pattern III. dan, matsogi -57 kg and member of female team - Tomá
1.6.2015 / Sonkal Open (results
On Saturday early morning of the last weekend of May Taekwon-Do boys and Taekwon-Do girls started to assemble before the sport hall of primary school of Petřiny south. For a while it looked that the crowd mistook the entrance to the hall for an underground station nearby. However, when the hour hand showed eight o´clock everybody moved into the bowels of the hall, where the registration, weighing and other necessary stuff for the initiation of the competition followed. And why the title of the article says 25%? That means a numeral expression of the growth of the number of competitors com
29.5.2015 / Sonkal Open (results
17.5.2015 / 1st meeting of CYT
Young taekwondo practitioners met in Nymburk
Translation in progress.
14.5.2015 / Nitra Cup ( information pack a application form )
Overall win again
Complete photo set from whole Nitra Cup.
11.5.2015 / 21st Junior, 30th Senior, 7th Veteran & 5th Youth European Championships
Sonkal at the European Championship in sunny Italy
On 28 April the Czech representatives had a meeting at 4:00 at the airport Vaclav Havel. Upon arrival we went to register and weigh. We all went into weight categories and we continue to hotel. After a long hunger we could have something to eat. In the evening we had a training, which was not hard. The next day we had two trainings and in the afternoon we went through the sights of the city. In the evening was a ceremony. On 30. April (thursday) the European Championship began. First came a series of patterns. In this discipline Jiří Novák won a silver medal and Tomáš Vodička won a
6.5.2015 / 21st Junior, 30th Senior, 7th Veteran & 5th Youth European Championships
Sonkal at Eropean TKD Championship
Complete set of photos is now online. We spent the beginning of our trip sightseeing the city. We saw beautiful narrow streets, nice churches and huge variety of fruit in local supermarket. Because Andria is a little city south on the Apennine peninsula, we took a proper map in scale, that 1 mm = circa 2 steps. Lucky for us, the leader of group was Zbyněk Mácha, because the most problematic part of guiding was to turn the map in right direction :-)
24.4.2015 / 21st Junior, 30th Senior, 7th Veteran & 5th Youth European Championships
All roads lead to Rome, or to Andria...
Old saying in title should lead us to the eternal city, but Czech Representation Team goes even further to south of Italy. Precisely to Andria near Bari, where 30. senior, 21. junior, 7. veteran and 5. youth EITF European Teakwon-do Championship. Organizers await around 800 competitors from all of Europe. The biggest team is traditionally from Russia, then from Ukraine, Belarus and Greece. Czech team belong among the medium clubs with 6 members of Sonkal. Also Ondřej Vrábel is going on his 15. European Championship as member of four Czech people in team of referees. The five Sonkal me
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1.4.2015 / Czech Open (youth, juniors & adults) info pack & application form
Internationally international tournament
On Saturday 28 of March 2015 there was a comparison of power between competitors not just from Czech Republic. The Czech Open in Nymburk took place on that day. There were participating many schools from foreign countries. Of course there couldn´t be missing participants from Czech and Moravia. The total number of competitors was about three hundred people. The competition began by the registration of competitors at about 10:00 a.m. After that followed the weighing of those, who decided to compare their skills in sparing. All of us were accommodated at hotel, which is part of sport hall in
17.2.2015 / Cup of Czech Taekwon-Do ITF Fedaration (1st round)
At the starting line
Saturday on February 14th was the D-day and time 8:30 was the H-hour. All Taekwondists lined up at the starting line of the first competition this year - Cup of Czech Taekwondo Federation in Nymburk. Sonkal sent 15 competitors including several newbies who were not scared though and showed great performances. Lucie Svatková earned silver medal in yellow belt patterns and Egor Popov won the first place in matsogi. Ondra Faltin tried competing in blue belt patterns for the first time and despite some minor faults won gold medal. More gold to our pattern medal collection brought Tereza Št
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Kontakt: Ondřej Vrábel, tel.: 777-011-692, sonkal@taekwondo.cz
Adresa pro korespondenci: Sonkal z.s., Jiránkova 1137/1, 163 00 Praha 6,
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