21.12.2013 / Christmas Sonkal's demonstration
Nice ending of year 2013
On Thursday 19th of December we organised Christmas exhibition for parents and friends for the tenth time. After long time, few former members came to remind themselves the years in dobok. Because this year our club celebrated 15 years of existence, there was a lot of to remember during photo presentation and we could also see all belt categories from 10. kup to V. dan in a video. Charity collection for little Maxim brought 3 452 CZK. We thank to everyone who made a donation and the money were sent on 30th of December.
11.12.2013 / Christmas Sonkal's demonstration
Christmas demonstration invitation
Year 2013 was very succesful for us, but it is reaching its end. Symbolical end of taekwondo year is traditional Christmas demonstration we are organizing for few past years. It will take place on thursday December 19 from 19 PM. So let us invite all members, parents, relatives, friends and whoever wants to start Christmas mood in our way. Demonstration, special video and awarding the most succesful (in many different ways) members are scheduled. So don´t miss it! PS: we have decided to sl
3.11.2013 / Autumn photo shoot
Taekwon-do on the road? Why not?
I got this idea year before while travelling to autumn training camp. But weather got cloudy that year, fortunately my memory not. So as Sunday got very sunny I grasped 12 of our red and black belts for quick action. Everyone behaved like proffesionals what was neccesary as we have many skills, but stopping traffic without injury is not one of it. Sixty photos are available, feel free to comment!
22.10.2013 / Vintgar valley
We were back in action after six years
Just one day before European Championship in Bled we took a short trip to close Vintgar valley where we already made some pictures in 2007. Now you can look at taken pictures.
23.9.2013 / Demonstration at primary school Chodovická
Demonstration for school kids
Our demonstration team led by Tomáš Vodiška performed their skills on Monday. It was organized in Chodovická primary school for small school kids. As audience was more than warm shouting "more, more, MORE!!" after demonstration, we added small training where they tried basic Taekwon-Do movement.
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14.9.2013 / Ladronkafest
27.3.2013 / Taekwon-do demonstration during Petriny aerobic cup
Demostration for aerobics again
Also our second demonstration of 2013 was on aerobics comepetition, but this time in Prague Petřiny.
1 coment
3.3.2013 / Taekwon-do demonstration - Ball of FitStudio D
This year first demonstration
We have been invited by aerobic Fit StudioD for their annual ball. Because they are our neighbours at Cerny Most we gladly accepted. Eight Sonkal's members performed nice demonstration of our beautiful martial art. Audience enjoyed Taekwon-do demonstration with big applause. You can watch 39 photos and also video footage (sorry for that kind of view but in the hall place was very restricted).
1 coment
23.2.2013 / Demonstration of korean team
Photo material & link for video
All 375 photos are available :) You can watch video footage at website of Czech TV -> martial arts magazine.
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Kontakt: Ondřej Vrábel, tel.: 777-011-692, sonkal@taekwondo.cz
Adresa pro korespondenci: Sonkal z.s., Jiránkova 1137/1, 163 00 Praha 6,
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