31.12.2012 / Summer photoshoot
Summer photo storm
At the end of year 2012 we put online photos from summer photo shoot. Enjoy photos with Kristyna and Tereza. Also you can look forward for our new project scheduled on spring and summer 2013.
24.12.2012 / Christmas Sonkal's demonstration
Year with digits 12 is going to finish
We bring you Christmas gift, it is video cut with Sonkal's whole year 2012. Now available also photos. Video footage is already available.
3.10.2012 / Ladronkafest (www) presentation and demonstration of Taekwon-do
Ladronka fest
Ladronka fest! Event well known especially between youths. Festival of leisure time activities dedicated to everyone. Our Sonkal took part in this parade for the fourth time. And about this year´s is this article. We trained for it less than years before, just deciding and arguing about who will do what. We did all practice on Saturday morning what motivated specators (and this fact motivated us :o) ) and make us spent our time there actively.i (až na Jirku, který trénoval, secvičoval a neustále JEDL). Our first demonstration was in 11:15, Monika Junová was interviewed as our leader
16.9.2012 / Ladronkafest (www) presentation and demonstration of Taekwon-do
Summer ends with Ladronkafest
Saturday September 15 was dedicated to next Ladronkafest. This event is becoming traditional part of social activities of Prague 6 (where we do have one of our dojangs) being held in nice surroundings of former Ladronka farmhouse. We have prepared two demonstrations this year and we actively practiced together and with visitors in our stand. Our first demo started slightly before noon and mostly our juniors and kids took part. Second was with our more senior and advanced students in the afternoon when main music show was on. We are happy that many people tried Taekwon-do with us and
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15.4.2012 / Taekwon-do demonstration during Petriny aerobic cup
Taekwondo and aerobic
Yes, really, Taekwon-do and aerobic goes together. No, we did not change toboks to that shiny small dresses, but we´ve accepted invitation for their annual Petřiny tournament to do Taekwon-do demonstration. We prepared all aspects of taekwondo - kicks, patterns, sport sparring, flying kicks, power braking, self- defence and defence against knife. We probably did well, because applause was loud :o) See you next year, girls :o)
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31.12.2012 / 3rd Christmas camp for red & black belts
Christmas Event 2012 by Tereza
Hello Sonkal members and you other people visiting our webpage. You could have noticed that from 27th to 29th of December our red and black belts attended the Christmas training camp. It took place in Malé Svatoňovice where our summer training camps are. And if you haven´t noticed or you just couldn´t go with us, I will describe to you how such event looks like. We met on Thursday 27th of December at 9 a.m. in front of Česká Spořitelna bank at Černý Most. When all of us arrived, we got into the cars and started our journey. Together we were 13 equals 15 people (because I count also
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25.12.2012 / Tests for color belts
30 new color belts
At Tuesday of 11th of December a color belt grading took place in our gym at Černý Most. After hard examination in front of our instructors 30 practitioners showed their skills to GM Hwang Ho-Yong including all color belts except 5. kup. Grandmaster was pleased with performance of the students which was shown by the points he gave and by the small number of corrections during the grading. Next grading is planned for the spring (probably April) and we wish a good luck to all Sonkal students who will apply for that grading. Congratulations to all for their new grades.
16.12.2012 / Examination for I.-IV. dan
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29.10.2012 / Autumn Sonkal camp
Sun, wind, snow, ice.... ou yeah and taekwondo
Look at 104 photos taken during Sonkal's camp in Zakupy. Unfortunatelly due my illness there is only small bunch of photos.
4.10.2012 / Sonkal 2013
New project for competition team
We have stabilized training schedules for our groups and were thinking and discussing possibility of specialized trainings dedicated to sport part of taekwondo for many years. And finally we did it. We thought of Sunday evening to be the best day to train, but with regards to GM Hwang seminars monthly on Sunday evening we chose Friday evening 5-7 P.M. . This will influence everyone as we will have more time for non-sport aspects of Taekwon-do on regular trainings.
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1.10.2012 / International course with GM Choi Jung-hwa
Son of taekwondo founder in Czech Republic
Five mighty (because you had to wake up at about 5 A.M.) members of Sonkal travelled on Saturday 22/9 to Znojmo. Their federation organized seminar with son of founder of Taekwon-do - Choi Jung Hwa. It was about two hours to get there without any problems, so we arrived in time to warm-up a little. I assume there were about 200 participants from Italy, Germany, Croatia, Ireland, Czech republic....and much more I do not remember. Seminar started at 10 o´clock with stretching led by master from Slovakia, it was fast and furious. Seminar itself was more lecture than training. We exercise
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30.9.2012 / 42nd Sonkal sportcamp
42nd Sonkal's training camp
Year has passed quickly and we spent 9 days of wonderful, magnificent and great time in (for us) well known Malé Svatoňovice. Let´s start from the beginning. Departure for the camp was planned for half past 8 on Saturday morning in front of our dojang to help pack all our equipment. I came a bit late and was happy to see so many people already helping. Journey was long as always, but we were looking forward to lunch and first training, which started at 3 P.M. focusing on fundamental techniques and patterns. Our bodies were happy to move sharp again after a month of rest. Practicing in gy
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23.9.2012 /
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20.9.2012 / 3rd round Moravian team league
Meeting friends and fighting in Třebíč
I was honoured to be invited to third round of moravian team league to fight in their all weight pyramid. There is always eight people in the pyramid with those who won at least one round going to next round of league and 4 loosing in first round are changed by "fresh meat". I was one of "fresh meats" (if you consider me so). Oraganizer Kamil Šamal promised me Vojta Fiala in first round (hooray - will bring baseball bat to be able to hurt him) later changef for Honza Vrchovecký (hooray wasn´t hit by bandae dollyo chagi for a while), but finally I fought Martin Kosík (hooray winner of first
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10.9.2012 / Night Prague Run
How we practiced fighting and then running away
Last year´s inspiration (when for the first time I was able to run 10 kms without my back dying) brought me idea, that we may deepen our friendship with other taekwondoists not only by meeting on sparring seminars kicking our heads, but maybe through hard run. So I registred to 10km night run through Prague and invited other taekwondo friends, that often visisits my sparring seminars. After all (registration mail was to long for some of us...) there were 5 of us. Saturday morning...more parts of my body are in pain than without it, but someone says you should go to the grave shattered. We h
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20.8.2012 / Self defense seminar
Self defense seminar
Thank to bojovaumeni.cz, I´ve read plenty of pages of flame war discussions, but also met few very interesting and nice people and learnt a lot. Thank to this I´ve spent this Saturday in Jihlava. Few discussion members were interested in how to behave before real physical conflict, how when lucky don´t have to fight or how to even avoid to be part of it. We met in Hung Kyun school in Jihlava and Jan Niesyt, person whose his profession led to many conflicts spoke about behaviour before conflict itself (not only, when he start to speak, topics are just flowing out of him :o) ). People from wh
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10.8.2012 / Scotish mission
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10.8.2012 / Summer Taekwon-do camp with Grand Master Hwang Ho-yong, VIII. dan
Summer camp with GM Hwang Ho Yong
My plan was not to write article from summer camp, not to make you bored and because my creativity is a bit drained. Finally I got kissed by muse a bit, so let me share few thoughts and photos. Camp traditionally took place in Sklárna naer Žihle which is an old and unattractive accommodation, with strange food, nearly no mobile signal and wifi connection that is even slower than my computer. Last two things are enjoyed only by backers of my kind. One would anticipate that 10th camp will be special - VIP guests, many people, something more and sparkling, like when you celebrate your 18. b
29.7.2012 / Seminar with Hwang Kwang Sung
Next journey to the origins
Hello from czech summer camp, I started to write this article just a moment after I´ve returned from the event, but then laziness appeared and it was rotting till now when I got kissed again by muse. I took part in another interesting seminar. It´s been few months now so I don´t remember all the boring information you don´t want to know, when it was, how long were trainings etc. I ´ll write just what comes to my tongue (ok, to my fingers)… First taekwondists are aging like normal people. After General Choi passed away I was sad also because I have never had chance to meet him
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22.7.2012 / Okinawa karate seminar
Inspiration from Okinawa
I am deeply loyal to Taekwon-do, but for good Taekwon-do there have to be broad overview. So I joined open seminar of Okinawan karate to got inspired. After all General Choi created Taekwon-do regarding his experiences with Karate (eventhough it was Shotokan style) and Taekkyon, so don´t call me false hearted. Available information about seminar said that it is open for all styles so I anticipated 30 karatekas and 15 people in track suit, final info said that there will be about 30 traditional karatekas and about 20 other styles´ practicioners. My brain had holiday probably, because after en
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14.6.2012 / 42nd Sonkal sportcamp
Summer training camp - what to look forward to :o)
Another year of training passed, next summer holidays are coming together with our traditional training camp. We have prepared 9 days full of Taekwon-do and other activities. What may we look forward to? - at least two trainings per day - evening trainings focused on patterns, step sparring and funny competitions - it is more than 20 trainings through whole vent - tournments - ultimate tournament in Tekken - step sparring tournament - action scenes - art competition with Taekwon-Do theme -
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26.4.2012 / Czech national team camp
One day with czech national team
My long-term life philosophy is "I´ll sleep enough in grave" so after returning from Nitra Cup I´ve turned alarm clock to 6:30AM to brought Tomáš Vodička to national team preparation camp for European championship (he competed in Nitra so was allowed to join rest of national team later). Our eyes were hard to keep open, but fortunately we have few minutes left to pump some caffeine into our veins. Morning training was in Aurora spa and trainers were able to cope with smaller space. Female seniors practiced team patterns, juniors practiced individual patterns and veterans practiced p
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24.4.2012 / Tests for color belts
50 Sonkal members has been promoted
On Thursaday (19/4/12) 50 members of our school took part in grading. All adepts were thoroughly tested by their trainers during easter camp and next trainings. Everyone did well and achieve hogher belt. We have to mention Ondra Faltýn, who achieved score of 70 points and got double promotion to yellow belt. Nela Morkovcová also did well, she is third member of their family who started Taekwon-do. We also enjoyed pan-jaju matsogi (semi-free sparring) of Vendula Benediktová and Tereza Žilinská which was of high standard regarding their age. Next grading will held during summer camp in
11.4.2012 / Spring Sonkal camp
Neither rain nor snow (and wind) could stop Sonkal!
"Finally spring and hot weather and finally spring training camp" was running through my head walking to our gym to help pack equipment on Thursday morning. First possitive thing - we do not bring tatami, so less work and less cleaning. It took about 30 minutes so we left to Zákupy and was there in about hour and half. Our stay started with traditionally tasty lunch and then went for a walk (Zákupy village is pretty nice). First traning was easy, focused on fundamental movements, patterns and kicks. We also spent some time with theory - this time history of Sonkal dojang. Evening training h
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5.4.2012 / Eugenij Piksaev
Surprise of tkd weekend
After weekend spent on Czech Open, one would enjoy one weekend of relax, doing nothing and healing of body. So we had sparring seminar on Saturday (and it hurt) and on Sunday Dan promotions (3 hours of sitting is hard job, you know) and seminar with GM Hwang. Martin Záměčník (Czech federation president) told me and Tomáš Kuba (boss of Il Kyok dojang) that Eugenij Piksaev - russian national team member, multiple medallist from World championships, student of master Pak Bong Dok and owner of one of the fastest non-asian hands I´ve ever seen, is here on visit and will lead training we are
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2.4.2012 / Examination for I.-V. dan
New black belts holders
On Sunday, April 1 was organized promotions for higher black belt degrees. His first exam for I. dan applied Jiri Huml and for II. dan Tomas Vodicka. Both our guys were doing very well and they achieved new degrees. Warm congratulation from Sonkal.
5.3.2012 / International umpire course
International umpire course in Croatia
From Friday 17 till Sunday 19 January was held international umpire course in Novigrad, Croatia. Ondrej Vrabel, member of Sonkal, and Rostislav Kanka took a part in this event. Saturday's part of seminar was dedicated to technical seminar led by GM Hwang Ho-yong. All participants enjoyed this part very much. Sunday's morning session was focused on practising umpires duties. Check photos from technical seminar.
17.2.2012 / Regional course for 2nd kup and higher
Seminar with GM Hwang in Třeboň
First seminar on South of Bohemia in this year was held on January 18 in Trebon. At the start of seminar GM Hwang spoke and discussed with participants about basic principles of DO in our Martial Art. Main training session was focused on sparring and self-defense exercises and the last part was filled with special techniques and some power breaking. Everybody enjoyed this seminar and was tired, but satisfied :)
21.1.2012 / Scotish mission
Scotland mission - first training under UKTA
As some of you knows, I left to Glasgow to spend here half a year at university. I was sure that I want to practice Taekwon-do here as well. First days here were pretty rough, had many things to arrange and to buy. I did not like Glasgow first - it´s dirty here, city transport impossible to understand and not really nice. But I got used to it and found nice and interesting places here. I had 2 addresses of tkd dojangs and asked at both places when do they train. First place is just 5 minutes away from where I live, they have trainings on Wednesday and Friday, moreover there is special tr
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5.12.2012 / Třeboň Open - youth, junior and senior (tul, matsogi, t-ki & wirok) ( propozice & application form )
The Fourth Carp Haul
As a member of Czech National Team I decided to bring near to you the atmosphere at Třeboň Open tournament. The National Team had also the final sport camp there. The first training was at Friday from 5 to 7 p.m. It was an easier one. After warm-up we revised few patterns and after that we made pairs to practise combinations on pads. At the end of the training we jumped few special techniques. Then we did weighting for the competition so people who tried to lose their weight were lucky that it was straight after the training. In the evening we prepared the sports hall for the competition.
12.11.2012 / Czech national Championship
Way for the 2nd best school trophy at Czech Republic Championship 2012
Dear visitors of this webpage, if you read this article in order to find out which of our competitors won some medals, I have to disappoint you. I am not writing a phonebook here. Firstly, I don´t know who won which medal and secondly, it would be boring to read. So I decided to write this article as my reflection on this competition. Most of our competitors went to Nymburk together with instructors on Friday afternoon because of registration. Me and some other umpires from Sonkal thought that there should be veteran competition in the evening. I was looking forward to this evening because
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30.10.2012 / 2nd national competition of CYT
Young taekwondo practitioners met in Brno
You can see complete set of 229 photos from pattern competition. Another photos will be available in two days. Article will be presented during weekend.
25.10.2012 / Brno Team Open ( info pack & application form )
Team competition by Honza
In early Sunday morning of 21st of October 2012 we departed at horrible time (for it was Sunday) – at 6.30. Three cars departed from Černý Most and one from Červený Vrch (near Dejvice for those who don´t know). So we went by four cars and met in Tesla Aréna in Brno. When we arrived, tatami was already built and the tables and chairs for umpires as well. Some of us also brought their umpire clothing so they could determine the fates of other teams, mostly in children categories. The competition traditionally started with team line-up. At first sight it was obvious that there is less
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29.9.2012 / 18th Junior, 27th Senior, 4th Veteran & 2nd Youth European Championship
Tomáš Vodička´s first European championship
On Sunday 13/5 we left Prague bus station Florenc and traveled to Brno where Kristýna, Martin Brabenec and Aneta Sequensová joined us. Rest of national team came from south Bohemia at half past 12 and after buying some basic food and drinks we continued to Sofia, Bulgaria. Our journey was really long and ways how not to get bored differed. We reached Dedeman hotel in Sofia at half past seven on Saturday. Everyone attacked bed and slept till lunch. Lunch was very colourful each time. Plenty of desserts was the best part. Behaviour of some competitors, especially from Ukraine was the wors
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30.8.2012 / 10th Junior and 5th Veteran World Championship
Jirka Huml and his first World´s....
So my first World championship is over. It took place in Talin, Estonia this year. Talin is nice seaside city, full of monuments. We stayed in Dzingel hotel with pretty garden with two alcoves and other decorations. The hall was distant from our hotel so we travelled by bus provided by organizers. After first day we know that it is better to come early for the bus, to have place to sit. Hall was nice, but pretty small, at least there were one heightened ring (I saw this for the first time in my life). I was chosen by national team coaches as individual competitor for I. Dan patterns. I had
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16.8.2012 / 10th Junior and 5th Veteran World Championship
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30.5.2012 / 1st national competition of CYT
Meeting of talentes in Nymburk
Look at aprox. 200 photos from meeting young talentes which have been held last weekend in Nymburk.
24.5.2012 / 18th Junior, 27th Senior, 4th Veteran & 2nd Youth European Championship
Check first photoset from European Championship
You can look at 1092 photos from whole European Championship in Sofia, Bulgaria.
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11.5.2012 / 18th Junior, 27th Senior, 4th Veteran & 2nd Youth European Championship
European championship coming
Czech national team will travel to Sofia, Bulgaria this Sunday. Four Sonkal members will participate, Ondra Vrábel as referee, Kristýna Hudková (juniors), Jiří Huml (juniors) and Tomáš Vodička (seniors) as competitors. And what are their nominations? Kristýna Hudková - matsogi female juniors up to 64kg and team member Jiří Huml - tul male juniors I. dan, matsogi male juniors up to 75kg, team member and self- defence 1:3 team member Tomáš Vodička - senior male team member and veteran´s self-defenc
24.4.2012 / Nitra Cup (info pack & application form )
Great Nitra robbery
Just one day after grading, some of our competitors travelled to Nitra, Slovakia. It was third time we took part in this pretty young competition. Three cars safely brought 11 competitors to our weekend destination slightly after 6 P.M. . Hotel was near to city center so after weighing we took a walk....which ended in McDonald, of course by accident. Friendly chat drinking Kofola (really!) in hotel bar was great to calm our nerves and have good sleep after. Few information about this event: only patterns and sparring were scheduled, sparring from green stripes and possibility to compete in
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18.4.2012 / Moravian team league
First round of brand new Taekwon-do project
On Sunday, April 15, first round of new project "Moravian team league" took place in Havířov sport hall. Whole tournament is 4 round competition of 4 teams (Karviná, Opava, Brno and Třebíč). All teams will fight each other in each round, finally getting winner after 4th round. Part of this project is also pyramid tournament od champions and vice-champions from national competitions of last year. Tomáš Vodička from our school was invited and fought first round with Filip Gavlas from Frýdek-Místek. Their fight was very spectacular, finished as draw, Tomáš lost in extra-time.
16.4.2012 / Scotland South Inter School Tournament
Shame and applause on Scotland South Inter School Tournament
Becoming a member of UKTA for £25 in January, to be allowed to train at Firhill, had also another meaning. With my new UKTA licence I was also able to attend local competition which took place on 15th April in Glasgow. I was looking forward to this tournament since the first time I had heard of it. I was filled with expectations if Scotsmen will be better or worse and if I will be able to reach a medal position. Meantime people from Firhill Taekwon- do, where I practice, spread information that they have new I. degree from Czech Republic which is good at sparring. I was pleased by that bu
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28.3.2012 / Czech Open 2012 kids, juniors & seniors (info pack & application form
5 gold medals
We took part in Czech Open at the end of March. Our students participating: Lenka Hrstková, Michaela Bártů, Filip Morkovca, Jiří Novák (kids), František Sakař, Jakub Resutík, Vendula Benediktová, Veronika and Tereza Žilinská, Michal Čapek, Kristýna Hudková, Jiří Huml (juniors), Alisher Tairov, Monika Junová, Tomáš Vodička a René Čapek (seniors), and last but not least Vladimír Švanda, Martin Svitek a Ondřej Vrábel. We left Prague at 8:30 A.M. , registration and weighin took few hours so competition itself started at 3 P.M. During opening ceremony 8 foreign clubs
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5.3.2012 / Bohemia Championship youth, juniors & adults
Bohemia Championship was held in new scheme of competition
I was assigned to write article about Bohemian championship, so I closely watch everything happenning there. We left Prague on Saturday morning with Svíťa, brother (René Čapek) and Jirka Huml to reach Nymburk at 9:30 A.M. meeting rest of Sonkal. After registration and weighing we have enough time for preparations of different kind, because championship opening was scheduled to 1:30 P.M.. Our sights were stuck to supertall basketball players from Nymburk together with some US players. They went for training so we went for second breakfast. I did not order lunch so I was heavily food-sup
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17.2.2012 / Korean day
Korean day
On Saturday of February 11 Prague's schools - GBHS & Sonkal organized Korean day. Officials from Korean embassy were presented during whole afternoon and evening. First part was about competition in pattern and sparring. There were held also two short demonstrations with different parts of Taekwon-do. Second part in the evening was dinner with only Korean traditional food. During dinner was played movie Hong kil dong (Avenger with pipe). Whole day was in nice and very friendly atmosphere and we hope Korean day will be held every year.
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Kontakt: Ondřej Vrábel, tel.: 777-011-692, sonkal@taekwondo.cz
Adresa pro korespondenci: Sonkal z.s., Jiránkova 1137/1, 163 00 Praha 6,
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