24.12.2008 / 11th Budoshow
Christmas gift = taekwondo demonstration :)
We prepared christmas gift for you. It is movie with demonstration by Taekwon-do Club Brno during 11 annual Budoshow in Brno. Ahother demonstrations are available bellow!
21.12.2008 / Christmas Taekwon-do demonstration
Taekwondists" meeting at the end of year on Černý Most
We prepared 75 photos from Sonkal"s club christmas demonstration for now. In our video gallery you can already find movie with special cut of Sonkal"s activities in this year - 2008. Footage from demonstration is already available in video gallery!
18.12.2008 / Christmas Taekwon-do demonstration
Movies from Christmas demonstration
At first we would like to show you traditional movie of Sonkal year 2008. Second movie is special cut from whole Taekwon-do demonstration.
3.12.2008 / 11th Budoshow
We took 394 photos in Brno. In video gallery you can find first movie from Budoshow in Brno. We chose Taekwon-do demonstration performed by Brno"s club of course. There are available another movies in video gallery. You can look at presentation of Capoeira, Hung Gar Kung Fu, Musado MCS, Viet Vo Dao, Freestyle or Special unit of Czech Police.
24.11.2008 / 9th Fighter's Budoshow
Movies from martial arts presentation
On Saturday"s afternoon members of Sonkal participated in 9th Fighter"s Budoshow. Movie with our demonstration you will find bellow and there are also vids of Capoeira, Taekwondo WTF and Tai-ji.
24.11.2008 / 9th Fighter's Budoshow
336 photos and movies in our video gallery.
7.8.2008 / Sonkal's girls sharp as a blade
Next part of summer shooting
We visited our favourite place in Šárka (Prague´s forest park) on first August tuesday to prepare some exibition photos for our visitors. Despite of fact that taekwondo is non-weapon martial art, our girls enjoyed shooting with katana as you can see on 50 photos in photo gallery.
29.7.2008 / Photographing at castle Chyše
We were invited to do taekwondo show on children summer camp in Ratiboř. Six Sonkal´s black belts demonstrate all parts of taekwondo. All children went through short training dedicated to soma basic punches, kicks and self-defence. We stopped at Chyše castle on our way back Prague to do some exibition photos. Check 41 of them in photogallery.
15.2.2008 / Taekwon-do demonstration
Translation will be available later.
22.12.2008 / Sonkal's course for trainers
Few remarks about the instructors" seminar
Once again, Sonkal instructors and candidates for this role came together on Saturday, 20/12/2008, at an irregular seminar designated for improving our skills in various areas and practicing some advanced techniques. This seminar, led by Vladimir Svanda (II.dan), was devoted to self-defense, in particular to basics of throws, tumbles and armbars. This session should pick up again with the previous one; however we spent almost all time with repeating techniques. After a body warm-up we had started with some gymnastics followed by series of falls to various directions.
20.12.2008 / National technical course with Master Hwang Ho-yong
83 photos from national course with Master Hwang Ho-yong (VIII. dan). Info will be added during Christmas.
2.11.2008 / XXXI. Oddílové soustředění
5 day preparation for Czech Nationals
Look at 108 photos from Autumn camp in Borotoin. Article will be added shortly.
16.10.2008 / International course with Grandmaster Park Joong-soo (IX. dan)
Great chinese trip
This trip started incidentally and with innocence. We chat with Tomáš Kuba (instructor in Náměšť nad Oslavou dojang) walking to cold green pond at this year summer camp with Master Hwang. Tomas told me that they (Tomas, Martin Zamecnik, Michal Bor) plan to visit China to take part in GM Park Jung-soo seminar. And because of fact that summer camp always gives me motivation to next year training and my (sometimes exaggerated) idealism and positivity touch the sky above, I said that I will go too. So I started to think where to
8.10.2008 / Sonkal's course for trainers
Special Sonkal trainers´ seminar
Maybe you still remember that we had small trainers meeting before summer holiday to get new knowledge about self-defense and also train it a bit. I have to proudly say to skeptical ones that it wasn’t our last meeting because we met again and I have to say that it was worth of coming. This time Svíťa (Martin Svitek) took the lead and we had hard times. His and also ours goal was to learn something about short distance fighting and also ground fighting (choking, bars…). Lot of our readers will probably think that it has not
27.8.2008 / XXX. Sonkal sportcamp
Sonkal"s summer camp finished successfully
Training camp is here again. Saturday 24/8/08 – few tough Sonkal girls and boys travel by bus to Malé Svatoňovice near Trutnov. We chose our rooms and fill gym with our equipment just after arrival. Then we took lunch and I have to say that chef is improving year after year. Two ours break after lunch allowed us to prepare for first training and then it started – fundamental movements, patterns and some strengthening. Second training started moment after dinner and was dedicated to step sparring and patterns for next testing.
18.8.2008 / XXX. Sonkal sportcamp
Preview of Sonkal camp
Just 7 days remains till our summer training camp in Malé Svatoňovice. This article shares just few information what participant will (and have to ?) go through. - finally there will be more than 50 participants not only from Czech republic, but also from Slovakia and Switzerland - there will probably be 13 black belt holders what is our record (12 in year 2003) - trainings will be organized for two groups – lower grades 90 minutes training 2 times per day, higher grades 2 hours two times a day. We also pl
6.8.2008 / Tests for black belts
We have visited black belts testing this Sunday (August 3) which was part of taekwondo summer camp with Master Hwang Ho-yong. There were 13 applicants for I. Dan, 1 for II. Dan and 2 for IV. Dan (Milan Prokeš and Věra Khunová). Results will be known soon, but you can compare skills of applicants through our photogallery.
5.8.2008 / Training camp with members of Czech national Taekwon-do Team info package
Photos from visit of Czech Summer Challenge
Brand new event named Czech Summer Challenge, organized by Czech national team members, took place at Třeboň (July 27 – August 2). Despite of fact that it was first event of this kind, foreign taekwondists took part so main idea of organizing international camp came true. This camp was focused on sport part of our martial art through intensive trainings. Trainings composed of conditioning, patterns, special techniques, power breaking and especially sparring were hard test for all participants. One day was dedicated to
19.7.2008 / Summer camp of Taekwon-do Academy Slovakia
Go for east
Beep, beep, beep, booom. No it is not start of new Sonkal comics, but soundtrack of one Saturday morning when my alarm clock started to beep at 5 A.M. Human beings doesn’t wake up at such a hour, but taekwondists have some special characteristics :o) So we left to Brno then through czech-slovakia borders to Lom nad Rimavicou. Invited by Karol Molnár, who was chief organizer of taekwondo summer training camp in Slovakia Sonkal trio (Ondřej Vrábel, Vladimír Švanda and Pavel Bareš) traveled from Prague. Two members o
29.6.2008 / Sonkal's course for trainers
Instructor and trainers of our taekwondo school met on Saturday (21/6) to share their experiences and to train together. First (and hopefully not the last) trainer seminar was led by Vláďa Švanda (II. Dan) with main theme – hosinsool (self-defence). Vláďa, beside the fact, that he sings well and is able to eat 5 steaks per meal is also soldier and my opinion is that is the most educated between us regarding methodic of self-defense training. First part (pretty long one :o) was dedicated to theory, explaining the meaning of section mark 13 of penal law and answering our „practical
21.5.2008 / Tests for color belts
36 higher color belts in Sonkal
Next grading in Sonkal took place in Černý Most (15/05/08). Most appliers (of total 36) were white belts and yellow stripes and highest grading was for 3.kup (blue belt with red stripe). Everyone passed his grading under the lead of master Hwang Ho-yong (VIII. dan). This grading was first in accordance with new training and grading plan of Czech Taekwon-do ITF federation. We have to say that step sparing have to be practiced and skills of our students improved till next grading. Congratulations to all participants.
12.5.2008 / XXIX. Oddílové soustředění
Photos from spring Sonkal"s camp
Nearly all participants came to parking place in Baumarkt at Černý most in time. I will not name….Jarda and Dědek (grandpa), hehe. When really everyone came, we left to Borotín for next spring training camp. After arrival and unpacking all our equipment, our bodies were tested for the first time. But I have to say that first training wasn’t so hard, but two more that day left. Second day morning training took place at nearby castle ruin, where Ondra took few great photos (check photo gallery). In the afternoon pro
15.11.2008 / Czech Republic Championship of youth, junior, adult and senior
Our first choise was focused on finale matches in the Sunday"s afternoon program during Czech Republic Championship in Brno. Now you can see 5 movies. There are finale matches in senior male categories -71, -78 and +78 kg. There are also demonstrations in mix a male self-defense.
9.11.2008 / Czech Republic Championship of youth, junior, adult and senior
Sonkal is the best club of National"s
Our club won title of most successful club of Czech National Championship which took a place in Brno! You can see 752 photos from whole tournament! In video gallery you will find 5 movies from Sunday"s afternoon finales.
29.10.2008 / Qualifying tournament of Pro Taekwondo
Full contact taekwondo battle
During last week Sonkal organized traditional autumn camp and we also pay visit at Maribor for qualifying tournament of Pro Taekwondo. 7 fighters from Slovenia, Croatia and Austria fought for one place in finale tournament which will be held in December at Zagreb, Croatia. We made 123 photos and you will be able to see how looks taekwondo in full contact version.
18.10.2008 / II. Prague's regional competition
You can look at complete photo set with 291 photos. Info will be added later.
4.10.2008 / 2nd national competition of CYT
Young taekwondists compared together
Twelve Sonkal younglings travelled to Frýdek-Místek on Friday 3 of October. Their goal was to meet with other talented youth organizations and compare their progress. Saturday morning was time for kid’s patterns. Our best success was Lukáš Veverka, who won his category. Saša Reynaudová and Pepa Stráník represented our school in special techniques. Saša got great second place and because Pepa passed all three techniques with icy coolness he got gold medal. Tomáš Vodička and Kristýna Hudková got
18.9.2008 / 8th juniors and 3rd veteran world championship
Sonkal at world championship
Monika’s point of view: Everything had started on Monday at Ruzyně Prague airport, where we spent few ours waiting, checking in and again waiting. It took about 2 hours of flight to reach Moscow. I don’t even know why we were so naive to looking forward modern airport with shops and restaurants. In contrast there were just broken walls, stink and hordes of people sleeping on English newspapers. Because we had to wait 4 hours there, there w
4.6.2008 / 14th junior & 23rd senior European Championship
Photos from Euros
Today we prepared first photo set from European Championship. On 95 photos you will find umpire course, visit of historical part of Porec, national team pictures, Sonkal"s girls and also small photo study of gulls :-) Second set contains 103 photos from practical session at umpire course and pre-tournament training of Czech national team. Results of Sonkal"s girls: Linda Deutschová - t
25.5.2008 / 1st national meeting of CYT
Competition of young talentes
Saturday (May 17) was dedicated to meeting of young talents in Třeboň. 145 participants from all six talented youth organization competed in patterns, sparing, special techniques and power breaking. Tomáš Vodička was the most successful Sonkal taekwondists and got gold from all (!) 3 categories he was nominated to (patterns, sparing and special techniques). He was also important help for our youth org. team winning gold in team special techniques. More gold medals from Sonkal team got Alexandra Reynaudová (female k
23.5.2008 / 14th junior & 23rd senior European Championship
3+1 Sonkal"s at Euro"s
Czech national team travels to Croatian Poreč on Adriatic coast to participate on 23. senior and 14. junior European championship. Monika Junová will have her premiere on international competition (she will participate in special techniques, sparring -64 kg and also is member of junior female team). Aneta Hemerová will take part at her second European championship (member of junior female team and competitor in sparing -46kg). Linda Deutchová knows very well what is it
19.5.2008 / European championship of other federation in Poland
Trip to european championship
On Friday May 16 we made one day trip to Wroclaw in Poland, where have been held European Championship of other european taekwon-do federation. This federation is led by Master Loboda. During our visit we made some photos of pattern and sparring competition and also some pictures from historical center of town. In following days we are going to publish photos. Together is available 447 photos.
5.5.2008 / Moravia Championship kids, juniors and seniors
Photos from Moravia Championship
We (and our photo equipment) visited Frýdek-Místek (Moravia) during first May Saturday. Local taekwondo school cooperating with Czech taekwondo ITF federation organized Moravian championship. Lot of both former and present national team members took part in this competition fighting on three tatamis. Morning part was dedicated to senior matches, kids and juniors fought after lunch. We have 581 photos in total.
14.4.2008 / Bohemia Championship kids, juniors and seniors
Third place in club overall
We took part in Bohemian national championship in our favorite martial art as every year. We left Prague on Friday (someone sooner, someone later…). Registration was more smooth than usual what made us happy, because there were no waiting, just weighting. Then our dinner disappeared in our stomachs. I have to appreciate Mila Fulmek´s self-control and indomitable spirit, because he shared his fancy bread with us. Then our accommodation was presented by our trainers – boarding house as usual. We are used to this place so much th
7.4.2008 / Czech Open 2008 - Info pack kids, juniors & adults
Movies from finals
We bring you 8 movies from Czech Open tournament, there are finals matches in pattern and sparring.
31.3.2008 / Czech Open 2008 - Info pack kids, juniors & adults
Photos from international course, degree test & Czech Open
Please, be patient we will upload all taken pictures from Czech open 2008 as soon as possible. The first part (about 37 pictures) of these pictures was taken in Třeboň during international seminar of taekwondo (27. – 28. 3. 2008) which was led by Master Hwang Ho-Yong. For more than 20 taekwondists practiced all parts of taekwondo in four training lessons. On Friday there were black belts graduations. 16 applicants took part in the 1st and the 2nd black belts graduation. There are 678 photos f
21.3.2008 / Czech Open 2008 - Info pack kids, juniors & adults
Preview of Czech Open
On Saturday March 29 will be held in Třeboň 4th annual international tournament Czech Open. This championship is dedicated for youth, junior and adult category. We expect very good international competition because 11 clubs from Estonia, Croatia, Greenland, Germany, Netherland, Poland, Russia, Slovakia and Ukraine already applied. 19 Czech clubs also applied and together will compete in Třeboň 275 taekwondists.
19.3.2008 / I. Prague's regional competition
18x first place for Sonkal
Taekwon-do ITF school Sonkal and Petřiny South primary school hosted Prague local competition on March 15. Duels in Tul (patterns), Matsogi (sparing), T-ki (special flying techniques) and Wirok (power breaking) were done in spirit of fair-play. Total numbers of competitors were 144 from 9 schools (44 seniors, 52 juniors and 38 kids). Competition itself started at half past nine and all our students competed with brave hearts. And I have to say that I was surprised, how successful were they in matsogi (sparring)!
22.1.2008 / Budweis Fight Cup
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Kontakt: Ondřej Vrábel, tel.: 777-011-692, sonkal@taekwondo.cz
Adresa pro korespondenci: Sonkal z.s., Jiránkova 1137/1, 163 00 Praha 6,
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