Home / 2024 / Section: competition / Seven at the European Championships
10.4.2024 / 29th Junior, 38th Adult, 15th Veteran & 13th Youth European Championships

Seven at the European Championships

This year's European Championships will be hosted by the seaside city of Koper in Slovenia. The European Championships return to Slovenia after 11 years and will be hosted for the first time by Koper from 15-22 April. The actual competition will start on Wednesday 17 April and end on Sunday 21 April.

The Czech national team is sending a very large team which will include seven members of Sonkal. Honza Dvořáček will make his European debut, competing among the veterans. For the others it is already a repeated participation. Jirka and Ondra Faltins will try to emulate last year's golden successes, but this time among the II. degrees. In case of Ondra it will be the first start among adults.

Let's see in which disciplines and categories they will represent the Czech Republic:

Jan Dvořáček
- pattern veteran male IV. dan
- sparring veteran male -80kg

Jiri Faltin
- pattern veteran male II. dan
- sparring veteran male -80kg
- team veteran male

Tereza Simandlova
- pattern adult female II. dan
- sparring adult female -52kg
- special techniques adult female
- adult female team

Ondrej Faltin
- pattern adult maile II. dan
- sparring adult male -64kg
- self-defence 1:3
- adult male team

Jakub Komarek
- sparring adult male -71kg
- self-defence 1:3
- adult male team

Hubert Skála
- patterns adult male I. dan
- sparring adult male -78kg
- special techniques adult male
- self-defence 1:2
- adult male team

Jiri Novak
- patterns adult male IV. dan
- sparring adult male -92kg
- power breaking adult male
- self-defence 1:3
- adult male team

On Monday, 15 April, Ondřej Vrábel, the head of the school, will go to Koper to take photos and videos for the European Taekwon-Do Federation (EITF). You can look forward to updates not only on the European Federation's social media, but also on ours, and photos will be added here.

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Kontakt: Ondřej Vrábel, tel.: 777-011-692, sonkal@taekwondo.cz
Adresa pro korespondenci: Sonkal z.s., Jiránkova 1137/1, 163 00 Praha 6,
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