Home / 2023 / Section: care to join us? / Sunny festival of leisure activities
9.9.2023 / Volnofest 2023

Sunny festival of leisure activities

This year's Volnofest at Černý Most was like heaven and smoke compared to last year's. The previous year's weather was cold and rainy, while this year's was hot and sunny. Of course, we liked it and the spectators did too.

Our booth was visited by a bunch of parents with their kids throughout the afternoon, who were able to try out the basics of our martial art. After 2pm it was the turn of the Taekwon-Do demonstration right at our stand and as we learned from the moderator our number of performers was by far the largest! Not to be outdone, because our demonstrations are not only about black belts, but also about coloured ones and also about performers of different ages.

We hope that not only our demonstration, but also our all-day booth, will bring new people interested in the beautiful Korean martial arts into our ranks.

You can jump in today to see the photos we took, and early next week we'll offer a video montage prepared by Alex Mach!

Finally, a big thank you to all the Sonkal men and women for their exemplary representation and to all the coaches who made sure it ran smoothly. Namely Jiří Faltin, Pavel Zavadil and Pavel Šnábl, who was in charge of this year's Volnofest.

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Kontakt: Ondřej Vrábel, tel.: 777-011-692, sonkal@taekwondo.cz
Adresa pro korespondenci: Sonkal z.s., Jiránkova 1137/1, 163 00 Praha 6,
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