31.12.2019 / 2nd meeting of CYTSonkal in action at STM competition
On October 19th and 20th members of our school took part in second round of traditional competition STM (centre of talented youths), which took place in Nymburk. This competition was great challenge for them because the number of all participants was 290.
There were 128 members of STM Prague 2 which is the one our pupils compete for. Among them were new support from Sonkal school, two Russian contestants studying in the Czech Republic, Stepan Knyshov and Vitaliya Gagloeva.
The contest began on the Saturday afternoon of 19th October with the team patterns competition of the youngest. It was followed by sparring and special techniques. The Saturday part ended shortly after 6 a.m. and there was an awarding ceremony of the best youngest participants. After that all of the contestants and referees went for dinner.
After dinner there was a conference with members of the Czech National Team who were successful at the Championship of Europe and the World Championship.
The Sunday part of competition belonged to the juniors and went the same way as the previous day. Especially in the sparring contest the fighters of Sonkal, Stepan Knyshov, Vitaliya Gagloeva and Ondřej Faltin, showed their great skills. They won the golden medal in this discipline. Vitaliya and Ondra were also the victors in patters contest and Stepan of the special techniques.
Others who gained the golden medals were Ondřej Zeman and Lea Rathouská in patters. Truly great performance showed Michael Hudák who won the second place in sparring and patterns. Other silver medals were Martin Chmelík in sparring, Marek Mach in patterns, Hubert Skála in sparring, Karolína Šindelářová and Barbora Trunšková in patterns.
The bronze medals in patterns won Stepan Knyshov, Alexander Mach, Daniel Marvan, Tea Rathouská and Tomáška Řepišová. In sparring those were Martin Schwáb and Tereza Simandlová.
For their awesome performances Stepan and Vitaliya gained the awarding as the most successful juniors and they got goblet for it. Along with others they helped the STM Prague 2 win first place as the most successful centre of youths. The second place won STM northern Moravia and the third one the STM Prague 1.
Congratulation to all of the contestants for their performances and successes. I wish them to be successful next year in the spring STM competition.