9.12.2007 / Pre-Christmas Taekwon-do demonstrationSanta Claus (Nicholas) Taekwon-Do Exhibition
It becomes a good tradition that taekwondists from all three Sonkal gyms meet together in December to perform in a Christmas Exhibition. The date for this year’s exhibition was set to the 6th December. The show followed previous night full of tingles of Santa Clauses, angels and devils. The aim of this show was mainly to introduce acquired skills of higher ranked students to their colleagues with lower ranks and also to all present parents.
Even though we missed two black belt holders (Martin Svitek and Petr Legner) because
of their long foreign stay, the rest (6) remaining black belts substituted their knowledge adequately. Not only the black belts did show up – there were also several taekwondists with all ranks of colored belts.
The show consisted of all parts of taekwondo:
Basic techniques
Patterns of black belts and colored belts
Team pattern performed by a mixed team
All variants of sparring – step sparring, model sparring and free sparring including a presentation of training exercises
Self-defense against armed and unarmed aggressor
Special breaking techniques (t-ki)
Power breaking (wirok)
The end of the show brought a video projection covering all Sonkal activities during 2007 (you can download the video in our video gallery).
We thank all participants for their great performance and all spectators for attendance and nice atmosphere!