26.3.2005 / XVIII. Sonkal sportcamp (Easter's holidays)Reportage by one Kladno girl
On Thursday (24 March) our bus flew from Prague forward Radvanice. After pretty never-ending journey we reached Radvanice and sieged new equipped rooms, few of them also with TV. On our way for first training it would be good to have jackboots, because plenty of mud around the boarding-house didn’t´ leave our doboks shiny white, especially doboks of the youngest ones :o). We start with
patterns and fundamental exercises first days, what kept our energy and allow us to survive whole camp. We continued with special techniques, power breaking and sparring in later parts of camp. But I have to mention that small injuries appeared (best thing to cool-down bleeding nose is snow :o). Everyone recharged his energy in individual way, but important role for this always has food. That is the reason why main part of our students „attacked „ local supermarket and plundered it. Food in Radvanice was better than last time, because there were about liter less of grease in every meal. Sauna, the place where loud singing could be hear from this time, was also great.
Trainings were divided - white belts and yellow stripes in one group and the rest in the second one. This change happened because lot of beginners and young taekwondoists came this time. Music during trainings and videorecording of our patterns and step-sparring were great diversification compared to Prague. We checked our theory knowledge in written test, where the most successful „students„ were awarded. On the other hand lot of people appreciated that no marks were put down into school index. Easter Monday was the crucial day for all the girls, especially for our trounced behinds. Nest time we have to cord up Milan to not be able to make that horrible torture equipment of 21st century from willow rods.
At the end, bus trip back to Prague without problems, everyone reached their mamas ok.
So….training camp was fine :o)
Kladno-girl Martina S.