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5.6.2024 / International technical seminar with Grand Master Hwang Ho-yong (IX. dan)

Photo report from taekwondo seminar

On Saturday we visited with our cameras an International technical seminar under the guidance of Grand Master Hwang Ho-yong, which was organized by the Czech Taekwon-do ITF Federation in the conference hall Aquapalace in Čestlice near Prague. Traditionally, Grand Master Wayne Brown from the British Taekwon-do Federation and his wife Dorin Brown (VII Dan holder) were present.

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Kontakt: Ondřej Vrábel, tel.: 777-011-692, sonkal@taekwondo.cz
Adresa pro korespondenci: Sonkal z.s., Jiránkova 1137/1, 163 00 Praha 6,
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