16.6.2016 / Open Czech national championship of Czech National UnionNational Championship by other tkd federation
We have never tried to attend two competitions during one day. Because youth and junior competitors attended Youth Talents Competition in Nymburk, we decided to send seniors and representants to Benátky for Open Czech Republic Championship organised by Czech National Union of TKD, the other federation od TKD ITF.
After morning registration and short opening ceremony the competition started with individual patterns. It came out for us with style start = win. Edita Zelinková, Egor Popov, Pavel Zavadil, Tereza Žilinská and Tereze Štekerová won gold medals. On this championship, also mixed team pattern catehory took place. We buit a team of black belts and we won gold again.
In sparring, we had less competitors, but gold medals were gained by Tereza Štekerová, Egor Popov and Jirka Huml. In special techniques, Tereza štekerová won gold by jumping nomination technique and Jirka Huml won by jumping over Pavel Zavadil. One more gold was added by Tereza Štekerová again in junior female power breaking.
In many categories were, unfortunately, not many participants and many of rivals were Sonkal members or members of our TKD federation and members of Czech Association of TKD (third federation in Czech Republic). But overall it was good experience for our competitors and familiarization with different organisation of competition.
At the end, most successful indiwiduals were awarded – Jiří Huml (senior male), Tereza Žilinská (senior female) and Tereza Štekerová (junior female).