22.12.2015 / 1 comentLast traning in Petřiny and visions for 2016?
Last this year´s training in our Petřiny dojang was dedicated to preparation for grading for coulour belts and advanced alternative kicking for black belt (what I though is brilliant original idea till I got to know national seminar was partly dedicated to the same thing – it is hard to admit that you are not the only one to have brilliant ideas :o) ) . Then we went for pizza and drink what meant that also not so regularly training students came and also socially highly skilled students from dojang in Černý most took part.
Some wanted to leave early because of work, fortunately older ones persuaded them to enjoy discussion till late night what meant trip by last metro for well-mannered Prague citizens. I believe you may see good mood on pictures attached. But this article is not about flaunting about our training and drinking, but about fact that it was last training of 2015 and I believe it is good to have vision for next year. I asked everyone to thing about January grading as it will come in one month what is plenty of time to correct all mistakes mentioned by me and Vláďa Švanda during last trainings. I saw during training that those who struggled with wiryok few months ago are breaking everything with one shot, that „hard“ step sparrings are getting fluent after ten minutes of repetion with focus and that dolmyo yopchagi may be precise in blue belts allowing us to focus on gentle details.
So I hope our first success in 2016 will be passing of grading for nearly everyone with honour, because it is possible and easy if you train hard.And that we will improve through whole next year. I believe there is no need to rush, but there is also no reason to stagnate.
Have you think about what you improved in and succeed in during this year? And what are your goals for 2016? Write it into discussion, I am sincerely interested (and if I will have the honour to read at least 4 comments I will share my golas also;o) ).
Martin Svitek, IV. Dan, Sonkal