6.9.2013 / Summer traning camp1 comentGreat Summer Sonkal Camp 2013
At Friday 23rd of August it came again. Our summer camp that we had been looking forward to started. After loading tatami, board holders, balls, pads and all other equipment at about nine o’clock in the morning we headed by bus to our favourite location, to Malé Svatoňovice. There we met people who came there alone and also Radek Kolář, the instructor of Pardubice TKD school.
It was beautiful weather the day we came so we started our first training on fresh mountain air. The training on nearby concrete field began with knowledge games and then colour belts were divided into groups and led by black belts they practised basic techniques partially forgotten during holiday. After that Honza Dvořáček took all the colour belts so black belts could practise their own techniques for higher patterns.
Every morning started with great breakfast between 7.45 and 8.15. Coming late was not a good idea because our little taekwondists ate everything they looked at. After “breakfast tornado” usually came poor Vláďa, who had just some leftovers. Breakfasts were really great, next to Nutella, jams, honey, buteer, ham and cheese we had also warm sausages and pancakes. Many thanks again to our breakfast god Alan Charvát who had to get up at five to make us happy with his great pancakes.
Morning trainings were held in large hall which is about three times bigger than gym at Černý Most in Prague. Main program of this training was to improve techniques and patterns. Colour belts were divided again and were trained by Šnáblík, Kikina, Verča, Humlík, Jana, Vóďa and Radek and instructors Ondra and Vláďa were looking at us and helped when needed. I liked this very much because every group could practise their highest techniques and on the other side black belts could pass over their experience.
We used to go for lunch to local school cantina. To say the truth, I have been looking forward to everything except school cantina. I had never liked the food there but this time I was surprised. I and also the others liked the food. I was also attracted by diplomas of local students hanging in the cantina.
Afternoon trainings were usually aimed at sparring movement, attack and defence techniques and combinations. The goal of this trainings was also to do hard exercise to improve our condition. I was really happy when I could lead one of afternoon trainings at our camp for the first time. It is a strange feeling when you practise hard for all the years, you obey your instructor and suddenly it turns over and you take the role of teacher.
Evening trainings were led by instructors till Monday but since Tuesday everyone could practise what he or she wanted.
At Sunday evening annual step sparring competition took place, where we had the chance to see very nice performances. In low belt category the winners were Matěj Kábrt with Honzík Brambůrek and in higher belt category it was duo of Jirka Huml and Pavel Šnábl. They took it as proffessionals and even some scratches and bruises did not stop them. So it led to situation when Pavel had had nice blue eye before the matsogi trainings started.
Tuesday was ended with nice atmosphere with grilling sausages and singing campfire songs. Honza Dvořáček took care of singing and playing guitar and also Pavel Šnábl and Honzík Brambůrek joined him with second guitar. At ten kids went to bed and the older ones started the preparations for scary path through the forest. Those older people were Verča, Kristýna, Pavel Šnábl, Renda, Jirka Faltýn, Alan Charvát, Jirka Huml, Lukáš Veverka, Janča and myself. For all of us it was our first Sonkal’s scary path so we all were little bit nervous about it. Eighteen pairs went through the path and we tried to scare them as much as we could and it went quite well. Some people were scared, some of them liked it a few people just walked and did not look around. I cannot forget what Bert told: “It was good but there should be less stones on the path.” From my point of view, me and Jana scared most the pair of Adam Reichel and Jirka Novák. I remember Jirka shouting at Adam: “Adam, wait for me, I cannot run.” (Jirka hurt his toe during the training). It is a pitty that I could not see the other bogeymen in action.
Wednesday was free but rainy day so we could not go on a trip to lookout tower and we just rested in beds or played Bang, Jungle Speed, Ludo, Tekken and so on. Among it all there was also a drawing competition with motives of TKD. In the afternoon a basketball competition took place. The first place was split between teams of Vóďa and Jirka Faltin.
On Thursday our third instructor Svíťa came and brought us new motivation for trainings. Second half of the camp was aimed mainly at sparring enhanced by training experience of Svíťa. I was really sorry that I could not participate those trainings because of my recent surgery of my collarbone. On the other hand I could practise other things, especially my weaknesses. I also watched how Ondra and Svíťa are teaching younger ones in sparring. It is nice to see your instructors trying hard to to catch out people as Humlík, Franta, Kikina, Janča, Míra or Verča. The second half of camp we trained in smaller gym.
On program of Thursday evening there was competition in action scenes. This year all black belts stayed in the role of fans and we liked the scenes very much. The winner was team of Nela Morkovcová with the self-defence in subway. “You don’t have tickets? You scamps!” And she grabbed them on ears at took them out. Some of the viewers said after the competition that it would be nice if instructors did some scene. So I will be looking forward to it.
The camp was coming to an end and also the date of colour belt grading was closing. We could see young taekwondists preparing hard for several days for their grading. Ondra Vrábel helped them a lot during evening trainings and fixed their mistakes so their dream could come true. A big advantage was to let yourself filmed on video camera and see your mistakes. All the grading participants did a good job and earned higher grades. Congratulations.
Last training took just one hour but still Svíťa was able to get maximum of it and practise fight on the ground. Than we packed all equipment and hurried to pack our stuff. Bus arrived at five but unfortunately it did not left. It had some defect so we had to wait for another bus for more than hour and half and we returned to Prague around nine.
At the end I would like to thank to all for great atmosphere during the camp. I cannot forget two great evenings in local restaurant Salamandr, unforgetable battles in Ludo, great scary path, battles with foam swords, perfect breakfasts, Ondra trying to heal my and Jana’s sorethroats with disgusting medicine, afternoon coffees and tees with slivovice (local spirit) in Trutnov and other nice moments. I am also very glad for support of my Jana. Because of her this camp was like a vacation for me.
Tomáš Vodička - Vóďa