31.3.2019 / Christmas Taekwon-Do demonstrationEnd good, all good!
Christmas time has been in Sonkal for many years associated with Christmas exhibitions. After the successful celebration of 20 years of Sonkal in June, we decided to organize a Christmas exhibition in the Horní Počernice’s Theater.
On Thursday, December 13, individual performers started to enter the Theater at about six thirty in the evening. We even bought new tatami. After a slightly hectic start, including spilled water on doboks and one of the cameras was upside down, everything was set for the 19th hour and we could start.
The theater seats were already occupied by parents and friends of Taekwondists and Taekwondisites of all ages. The introduction was provided by the Po-Eun team tub - we have so many black belts that few of us didn’t even fit on stage a slightly disappeared behind the curtains.
Representatives of all our gyms (Vybíralova Elementary School, Petřiny Elementary School, Horn Počernice Elementary School, Hloubětín BPA and Jablíčko Velké Přílepy Kindergarten) gradually presented themselves throughout the evening. But just after the black belts the preschool kids from our newest band - Preschoolers at Vybíralova Elementary School - presented themselves!
During the evening, viewers could traditionally see samples of various patterns, forms of matsogi, self-defense, and especially power breaking and special techniques.
The final block was about awarding the most successful Sonkal competitions for 2018. Jan Veškrna won the first place overall, the second place overall was Ondřej Faltin and the third place was taken by last year's winner Tereza Štekerová. The fight for the overall victory was led to the last competition, which was King of Taekwon-Do in Greece, this competition was held 2 days after the Christmas exhibition. So the final event and the prizes were given after Christmas. Ondra Faltin and Honza Veškrna were also awarded for their year-round training and commitment. Thanks and gift basket went to the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Novaks, who have always been very willing to offer any help.
At the end of the show was an usual video cut of the successful year of 2018 and the final dot took place in the foyer. And the dot was sweet - lots of candy and friendly chatter. So everything that belongs to Christmas time :-)
See you in Horní Počernice next year!