10.10.2016 / Demonstration at high school Nad Alejí
On 7th of October we demonstrated our martial art at high school Nad Alejí under the lead of Jan Dvořáček.
We met at 9:45 a.m. before the school building. I was lucky to sleep two more hours than usual.
And I quess that every Friday should look like that. Right in the entrance we met the deputy with whom Jan Dvořáček agreed on the exhibition. He welcomed us and told us that he would announce the exhibition through radio and that it would take place during the large break.
After quick clothes changing, warming up and rehearsing our demonstration we moved to the gym and waited for the bell announcing the beginning of the break. We expected hundreds and hundreds pupils longing for seeing breaking boards and incredible jumps. About two minutes after the bell ringing a group of 10 girls came to the gym. In did not look that anybody else should come so we got started. Every great exhibition has to start with pattern. For this occasion we chose Joong-Gun.
It was followed by power breaking, combinations of kicks to the targets and then jumps. During that came another 10 pupils who were coming from buffet. The most interesting kick of power breaking was reverse turning kick of Jirka Huml. He broke 3 boards with such power that a huge chip of the wood cut the eyebrow of Jan Dvořáček. Then me and Jiří Novák showed some sparring, without guards of course.
Simply the demonstration came off but the audience was in very small number. We cannot be surprised for pupils and senior students have no time to watch any demonstrations during breaks. They have to finish their homeworks.
Martin Matouš
2. Kup
Sonkal Praha