Hotel – greeeat (recommended by Tiger Woods), only golf courts around (unfortunately we forgot our golf clubs at home) and two choppers. Only poor people used them, rich ones used hotel’s RR and special guests (who like fun probably) used bus (described before). First impression from food wasn’t the greatest one (not including silver setting), but it improved next days and no diarrhea appeared.
Second day was day of competing. At the early beginning we had to show everybody in hall (which was really nice, but pretty small, probably constructed for small Irishmen) who is coming and sang folky Vysoký Jalovec (really traditional Czech song from the day of our grandmas :o). And everybody got to know – oh yeah, Czech team is here .
And third day is here, rumble began. Sparring started and first loss of voice (between spectators) and teeth (between competitors) – I fought Ukraine trashing machine in first round, but showed her what’s the Czech gentlewoman – but in pull for somebody we are world champions, so we got really thirsty and discovered how expensive drinks in Ireland are (we had to buy it for our own money). Opening ceremony started in the afternoon – bagpipers and drummers, absolutely great Irish music (I really love it, same as my mother) and original Irish tap-dancers started to show their art in a while. Great!!!
Fourth day power breaking started and sparring was finishing. Sonkal was represented by Lucy Kolmanova -3 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze and my person 3 gold and 1 bronze medal. As country we were second (Russians were first, third were Greeks).
Championship was finished and celebrations, called party, started – Czechs are good in this discipline too. Every year we have „entering exams“ in national team (everyone have to do it only once), when a new member have to accept and fulfill 5 tasks, created by older members. This year they had to dance in jockstrap and bathing cap – fun always guaranteed .
Live music played there and Scottish guys bought us not only coke. So end of championship was perfect .
Then only way back to Prague where happy parents were waiting. ….and I have to tell you something about back flight pilot – during the flight he said: „ Dear passengers, we will reach Prague airport in 15:45“ so we only changed pessimistic sights, because even trams are late in Czech Republic. Landing and …15:45, it was worth of applause.
That’s all folks, I wish you nice flight through your life and see you in nest article LTD
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