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20.9.2012 / 3rd round Moravian team league2 coments

Meeting friends and fighting in Třebíč

I was honoured to be invited to third round of moravian team league to fight in their all weight pyramid. There is always eight people in the pyramid with those who won at least one round going to next round of league and 4 loosing in first round are
changed by "fresh meat". I was one of "fresh meats" (if you consider me so). Oraganizer Kamil Šamal promised me Vojta Fiala in first round (hooray - will bring baseball bat to be able to hurt him) later changef for Honza Vrchovecký (hooray wasn´t hit by bandae dollyo chagi for a while), but finally I fought Martin Kosík (hooray winner of first pyramid). But despite few waves of stress I found out, that I will fight someone of high quality for sure, so it does not matter who will it be.
And how did I like whole event? Not mentioning few organizing details (that will be probably improved in next round) I think it was great! I enjoyed the fight, got new experiences, have some motivation and ideas for next training with deep feeling I have to change something - it is not possible to do everything having all tkd roles in one person, not healthy and not possible. The audience also enjoyed whole event and applause was strong. My brother came as my coach, so after fight we talk not only about fighting and watched other fights. Most surprising was young 17year old russian who nearly won whole pyramid. If he keeps motivation and standard of training than he will become nearly unbeatable in future. And I have to mention winner of this pyramid Jan Vrchovecký who was on loosing side of match in both semifinal and final, but in few last second changed result in spectacular movie-like manner. His bandae dollyo chagi is awesome.
So I think and hope that this event has its bright future and am happy to had change to be part of it. Especially when moderated by one of moravian tkd oldtimers and legends - Miroslav Sýkora.

PS: And how my fight ended? I have lost. But I am happy - plan for next training? Beat you more, I got to much of teacher ... :o)

Photos and videos available on czech federation website and on http://liga.taekwondo.cz

Coments (2)

Martin Svitek

vloženo 23.9.2012 at 6:53
Díky za slova respektu. Třeba tam ještě někdy časem pojedu, však ono se to maso časem vypotřebuje a pak musíš vzít nějaký sušený, abys neumřel hlady. Není tak dobrý, jako čerstvý, ale je to jistota ;o) Každopádně buhví, co bude v budoucnu, rozhodně, ale v tréninku musím něco upravit, aby to bylo příště podobnější tomu, jak se peru na tréninku. Brzo na tréninku ahoj, kluci.


vloženo 21.9.2012 at 5:04
S Alešem jsem video viděli a tedy klobouk dolů. Přiznám se, že kolikrát bychom potřebovali zpomalené záběry, abychom vůbec postřehli za co byly body přiděleny. Jen mi přijde škoda, že tam nepojedeš znovu. Jako třeba trochu otlučené čerstvé maso. Pochopili by zač je toho loket. Myslím, že se všichni těší na další "mláticí" tréninky. Ostatně budeme se zkoušet bránit.

Kontakt: Ondřej Vrábel, tel.: 777-011-692, sonkal@taekwondo.cz
Adresa pro korespondenci: Sonkal z.s., Jiránkova 1137/1, 163 00 Praha 6,
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