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31.12.2012 / 3rd Christmas camp for red & black belts9 coments

Christmas Event 2012 by Tereza

Hello Sonkal members and you other people visiting our webpage. You could have noticed that from 27th to 29th of December our red and black belts attended the Christmas training camp. It took place in Malé Svatoňovice where our summer training camps are. And if you haven´t noticed or you just couldn´t go with us, I will describe to you how such event looks like.
We met on Thursday 27th of December at 9 a.m. in front of Česká Spořitelna bank at Černý Most. When all of us arrived, we got into the cars and started our journey. Together we were 13 equals 15 people (because I count also Svíťa´s wife and their little son Matýsek – Obiwan :-) ). Attending people were: Ondřej Vrábel and Martin Svitek (instructors), Jana Kovářová, Tomáš Vodička, Pavel Šnábl, Michal Zacharuk, Jirka Huml, Veronika Holečková, Honza Dvořáček, René Čapek, Jirka novák ´99, Pavel Zacharuk and me – Tereza Žilinská. When we arrived, we divided into the rooms and helped Ondra with some stuff. Lunch followed and a while of rest as well. After that we headed for our first trip to lookout tower. Only Ondra didn´t came because he was recovering after knee surgery. The way to the top was quite ok but it was much worse back. There was a lot of slippery ice on the path and we had to walk really carefully and yet few people slipped and fell down (me for example :-) ). This year there was no snow except for the hill near the tower. In the evening we had training focused on self-defence. Part of the training was exercise that one of us stood in the middle of a circle and the other attacked him one by one. After the dinner we had a seminar which followed on the training. After chatting we watched a film called Samotáři.

Second day (28th of December) we had training a while after breakfast. We did few patterns and every time we finished a pattern we made pairs and practised applications of techniques. Our plan for the afternoon was to visit Broumov rocks and after that we went to cafeteria in Trutnov where we could buy a hot chocolate or a piece of cake. It was very tasty. Michal Zacharuk and some other people wanted to go for a kebab except for Ondra, Svíťa and his family. We waited long time for the kebab, because there was just one guy preparing it. We had to dope out who will go with Ondra (Svíťa already left and took Verča and Jana who was leaving for the mountains that evening) and others went back with Michal. We had some sandwiches, vegetables and fruit for the dinner and after meal we watched funny TKD photos and videos and also “Sonkal 2012” video which you can see on our webpage. Odnra and Svíťa told us that trip for the last day is ZOO! We watched film Ninja which was really good :-). After the film Honza brought a guitar and started to play and sing. I went to the shower but then Jirka came later and told me to join the singing. So I went there in my pyjamas with hoodie over it and with wet hair tied into the bun :-). We sang songs such as Tři čuníci (three pigs), Holubí dům (pigeon house) etc. It was fun.

On the last day (29th of December) there was training also in the morning. We played a game for warm-up and practised punches in pairs. Then one from the pair made up some combination and the other had to do it. At the end we had compensation exercises with Svíťa. We ate leftovers for lunch, packed-up, sat in the cars and went to Dvůr Králové where the ZOO is. But before going to ZOO we went to restaurant and had second lunch. When we got into the ZOO, it was almost dark so we visited the pavilions. We saw snakes, elephants, a crocodile, baby tigers, cheetahs, hyenas, small poor monkey who was pulled by other monkeys who fought for her. Then there was another small monkey but bigger than the other one. We saw big fishes; one of them was really ugly because she had big white eyes and looked like blind!!! :-). When we left the ZOO, we gathered in front of the cars and wish a happy new year to everyone. After a short (note of the translator: it was not short for me, I was desperately trying not to sleep, because Michal the driver looked tired as well and I wanted to watch over him :-D) way home our Christmas event 2012 ended :-).

Coments (9)

Tereza Žilinská

vloženo 2.1.2013 at 23:34
to ne Ondro to bych toho měla hodně
dík moc kouzelníku já vždy ráda pomůžu

Ondřej Vrábel

vloženo 2.1.2013 at 16:23
Stejne bychom jim vyjedli vsechny bagetky :-)

Tomáš Vodička

vloženo 2.1.2013 at 16:08
Supr článek Terko, jsme s Honzou moc rádi, že nám s články pomůžeš. Jinak sousko bylo suprový. Skvělá parta, bezva nálada, zajímavý tréninky, parádní počasí...zkrátka to byla paráda. Jenom je škoda, že jsme nezavítali do toho Salamandru .

Ondřej Vrábel

vloženo 1.1.2013 at 22:16
Tak to ti Terko asi zřídíme nějaký blog, kde by si nám mohla pravidelně psát
Na šíleně hnusnou rybu se budu muset jet podívat až nebudu mít berle mrazilky

Tereza Žilinská

vloženo 1.1.2013 at 22:11
Mě se taky moc líbila ! Nemáš zač Ondro ale ona byla fakt nechutná jojo mě takové psaní moc baví já mám i svůj vlastní taekwon-do deník kam si píšu všechny akce (soustředění,závody a tak ) takže mě to nějak nevadí

Pavel Šnábl

vloženo 1.1.2013 at 21:23
Pohodová akce, dobrý vejlety, počasí nám přálo... Dík Honzovi, že vzal kytáru, už dlouho jsem si nezazpíval . Jen jedna výtka, nebyli jsme v Salamandru!

Martin Svitek

vloženo 1.1.2013 at 20:10
Já bych vyzdvihl tu kytáru a Hobbita, co začal hrát a zpívat, ikdyž se všichni styděli a jak to rozjel. Za odměnu mu tahle funkce zůstane

Ondřej Vrábel

vloženo 1.1.2013 at 18:10
Děkuji Terce za pěkně čtivý článek o letošní (tedy vlastně loňské) Vánoční akci. Po živém vyprávění o hrozně ošklivé rybě jsem se těšil na psanou formu
Mimochodem na tomto článku je vidět, že stačí mít chuť a psaní jde samo

Jan Dvořáček

vloženo 1.1.2013 at 13:30
Byla to super akce. Povedla se celá, ale nejvíc se mi líbilo to večerní povídání. Mám na mysli tu přednášku o sebeobraně, druhý den sledování videí a rozbor chyb a taky na posledním tréninku to kompenzační cvičení se Svíťou. Doufám, že se uskuteční i příští rok. Opravdu jsem si to užil :-).

Kontakt: Ondřej Vrábel, tel.: 777-011-692, sonkal@taekwondo.cz
Adresa pro korespondenci: Sonkal z.s., Jiránkova 1137/1, 163 00 Praha 6,
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